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English Audio Request

715 Words / 2 Recordings / 5 Comments
Note to recorder:

Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please this corrected version on my message. THANK YOU

Today is June 17, 2010, and it is the second day I am writing in my diary. I decided to write down my daily activities on a paper during the day, because it would be easy to remember everything that I did for the whole day. I just want to mention that these activities are for the day before, thus June 16. Yesterday, I forgot to mention in my diary that it was for the day before too.
Anyway, I got up at 1:30 p.m. today, so one hour earlier than yesterday. I first turned on my computed and had a look at my timetable at LingQ, because I was not sure when exactly my first conversation will start today. I found that my first conversation would be at 3p.m, so I had 1.5 hour (a hour and a half a hour?) for some my activities.

I went to the kitchen and made chips in the oven with three sausages. I have been trying not to use oil lately, so thats why I put it in the oven. Then I put ketchup onto the
chips and ate everything while watching "Friends". It was really delicious and I really like that food. However I know that it is not healthy to eat it often.

Anyway, I started my conversation with Monica at 3p.m. Monica is an English tutor of LingQ living in America. She is on her vacation with her sister these days. However she is available for conversations with her students...amazing. I really like such approach towards her case, towards students. We talked about her vacation and about some food, because she mentioned that she was in the restaurant yesterday. She does not like any sea food, but her sister does like it. To be honnest, I have never tried any sea food. Maybe some kind of sea fish, such as tuna, mackerel, but nothing like octopus or
shrimps. We had really fun, she is a fun girl and I like her. Our conversation took for 40 minutes, which is great. A tutor can end a conversation after 15 minutes, it depends on him / her if they want to end later.
After this conversation I tidy (I dont know the past tense) my clothes away, because I washed my clothes yesterday and it was already dry. I usually dont iron my clothes, I dont think that it is necessary...maybe I am lazy a bit...but I dont have any iron anyway.
After that, I was watching several episodes of Friends. I just finished watching 5th season, when Ross and Rachel were in Las Vegas and they were so much drunk that they got
married and sure, they did not remember it next morning...funny.
While watching Friends, my housemate wrote to me if I would want to go shopping. I agreed, because I really need some movement every day, otherwise I would be only in my room and that is not really good. I only bought a mineral water and some sweets including chocolate eggs "Kinder Surprise". I was not surprise that the toys, which I found inside the egges, were rubish.
When we came back, we put an English flag on the window in my old room, because everyone has had an English flag in their windows nowadays - because of football surely.
Afer I got back to my room, I was tired a bit, so I had a nap for a hour.
My next conversation started at 7:30p.m. It was a group conversation with four people including me and an British tutor which moderated that conversation. I really enjoyed that. We talked about interesting topics connected with language learning. It is always interesting to listen to experience of other people.
Then, I tried to record some Czech podcasts that I made and I also transtaled a text from German to Czech. So I practised German today as well.
It is already June 17 in the morning and my next conversation with a Canadian tutor started t 1:15am. There were two Japanese ladies. It was an interesting converstion too.

After that, I started to write this note in my diary. But it is alrady 5:30a.m and I am stil awake. I wonder when I will go to my bed.

Well, thats everything for today.



June 17, 2010

Part 1:
Today is June 17, 2010, and it is the second day I am writing in my diary. I decided to write down my daily activities on paper during the day, because it would be easy to remember everything that I did for the whole day. I just want to mention that these activities are from the day before, thus June 16. Yesterday, I forgot to mention in my diary that it was from the day before too. Anyway, I got up at 1:30 p.m. today, so one hour earlier than yesterday. I first turned on my computer and had a look at my timetable at LingQ, because I was not sure exactly when my first conversation would start today. I found that my first conversation would be at 3 p.m, so I had an hour and a half for some of my activities.
I went to the kitchen and made chips in the oven with three sausages. I have been trying not to use oil lately, so that’s why I put it in the oven. Then I put ketchup onto the 
chips and ate everything while watching "Friends".

June 17, 2010

It was really delicious and I really like that food. However I know that it is not healthy to eat it often.
Anyway, I started my conversation with Monica at 3 p.m. Monica is an English tutor of LingQ living in America. She is on her vacation with her sister these days. However she is available for conversations with her students...amazing. I really like such approach towards her case, towards students. We talked about her vacation and about some food, because she mentioned that she was in a restaurant yesterday. She does not like any seafood, but her sister does like it. To be honest, I have never tried any seafood, maybe some kind of sea fish, such as tuna, mackerel, but nothing like octopus or 
shrimp. We had fun; she is a fun girl and I like her. Our conversation lasted for 40 minutes, which was great. A tutor can end a conversation after 15 minutes; it depends on him / her if they want to end it later.

June 17, 2010

After this conversation, I tidied my clothes away, because I washed my clothes yesterday and it was already dry. I usually don’t iron my clothes; I don’t think that it is necessary...maybe I am lazy a bit...but I don’t have an iron anyway. After that, I was watching several episodes of Friends. I just finished watching the 5th season, when Ross and Rachel were in Las Vegas and they were so much drunk that they got 
married and sure, they did not remember it the next morning...funny. While watching Friends, my housemate wrote to me, asking if I would want to go shopping.

June 17, 2010

I agreed, because I really need some movement every day, otherwise I would be only in my room, which is not really good. I only bought a mineral water and some sweets including chocolate eggs "Kinder Surprise". I was not surprised that the toys, which I found inside the eggs, were rubbish. When we came back, we put an English flag on the window in my old room, because everyone has an English flag in their windows nowadays - because of football surely. After I got back to my room, I was tired a bit, so I had a nap for an hour. 
My next conversation started at 7:30 p.m. It was a group conversation with four people including a British tutor, who moderated that conversation, and I. I really enjoyed that. We talked about interesting topics that were connected with language learning. It is always interesting to listen to the experience of other people.

June 17, 2010

Then, I tried to record some Czech podcasts that I made, and I also translated a text from German to Czech. So I practised German today as well. It is already June 17 in the morning, and my next conversation with a Canadian tutor started at 1:15am. There were two Japanese ladies. It was an interesting conversation too.
After that, I started to write this note in my diary. But it is already 5:30a.m, and I am still awake. I wonder when I will go to my bed.
Well, that’s everything for today.


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