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English Audio Request

532 Words / 3 Recordings / 10 Comments
Note to recorder:

Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please this corrected version on my message.

Today, it is June 16 2010 and it is the first day I am wriing into my diary. Why did I decide to write into my diary. Well, I have heard several times that writing is a good method to improve a language you learn. I have never focused on it before but I am very curioust about it. I have watched some polyglots and they talked about this method to learn languages.
Anyway, I got up at 2:30p.m., because I went to bed pretty late last night because I was chatting with some people on "SharedTalk" up to 6a.m or something like that. Before I was asleep, I listened to English a bit and then I changed to German. I even slept weaing my headphones. But I woke up at 10a.m because my German podcast still played.
Anyway, when I got up at 2:30p.m., first of all, I turned on my computer and looked at
LingQ phorum what was new there. Maybe 10 minutes later, my housemate went to my room
in order to print a page because he wanted to post a packet with something he sold on "amazon". We chatted a little bit about routine stuff. Then I checked new emails which I got. Well, I did not get any interesting emails. Time really flied and it was maybe 4p.m when I realised that my tutor would go in 30 minutes. I was hungry because I did not have any meal, so I went to the kitchen to make fried eggs. It was made in 5 minutes. It is really fast food, I ate it as quickly as I could and after that my tutor came. We had our conversation together about several interesting topics. I told him about targets in languages and about brushing up my German and about finding a job. He finished at university and he is looking for a job. SO he told me that he practised some questions which he could be asked on the interview on Thursday. I am curious about his interview. We should have our conversation on Friday, so he might talk about his interview. He told me that he would go to Thailand on July 10 2010 for a month. So I will not be having any conversations with him for the whole month. By the way, he said that the writing is a good method learning languages as well and he recomended me what to talk about. Because, I did not know what to talk about before.
Anyway, after the conversation ended at 6pm, then my tutor left my house and after that I chated with some friends on skype. One hour later, I had my German conversation with Reinhard for a hour. It was quite good. I wrote my first text in German and we discussed this text in our conversation. He told me what mistakes I did.
After this conversation, I watched some episodes of Friends. I really like watching that series.
Anyway, It seems to be quite long text for my first day writing to my diary :) I just want to say that I went to bed quite late, something about 5am in the morning.


  • My diary - 16.6.2009 ( recorded by LarissaDeck ), Australian

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    Corrected Text

    Today, it is June 16, 2010 and it is the first day I am writing into my diary. Why did I decide to write into my diary. Well, I have heard several times that writing is a good method to improve a language you learn. I have never focused on it before but I am very curious about it. I have watched some polyglots and they talked about this method to learn languages.
    Anyway, I got up at 2:30p.m., because I went to bed pretty late last night because I was chatting with some people on "SharedTalk" up to 6a.m or something like that. Before I was asleep, I listened to English a bit and then I changed to German. I even slept wearing my headphones. But I woke up at 10a.m because my German podcast still played.
    Anyway, when I got up at 2:30p.m., first of all, I turned on my computer and looked at
    LingQphorum what was new there. Maybe 10 minutes later, my housemate came to my room in order to print a page because he wanted to post a packet with something he sold on "amazon". We chatted a little bit about routine stuff. Then I checked new emails which I got.
    Well, I did not get any interesting emails.
    Time really flied and it was maybe 4p.m when I realised that my tutor would come in 30 minutes. I was hungry because I did not have anything to eat, so I went to the kitchen to make fried eggs. It was made in 5 minutes. It is really fast food, I ate it as quickly as I could and after that my tutor came. We had our conversation together about several interesting topics. I told him about targets in languages and about brushing up my German and about finding a job. He finished at university and he is looking for a job. SO he told me that he practised some questions which he could be asked on the interview on Thursday. I am curious about his interview. We should have our conversation on Friday, so he might talk about his interview.
    He told me that he would go to Thailand on July 10 2010 for a month. So I will not be having any conversations with him for the whole month. By the way, he said that the writing is a good method for learning languages as well and he recommended me topics to talk about. Because I did not know what to talk about before.
    Anyway, after the conversation ended at 6pm, then my tutor left my house and after that I chatted with some friends on Skype. One hour later, I had my German conversation with Reinhard for a hour. It was quite good. I wrote my first text in German and we discussed this text in our conversation. He told me what mistakes I did.
    After this conversation, I watched some episodes of Friends. I really like watching that series.
    Anyway, It seems to be quite long text for my first day writing to my diary :) I just want to say that I went to bed quite late, something about 5am in the morning.

  • My diary - 16.6.2009 ( recorded by mbaldwin ), Generic American

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  • My diary - 16.6.2009 ( recorded by JustDerek ), Standard American, California

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June 16, 2010

My recording software is not working at the moment, but here is my correction. Part 1:
Today, it is June 16 2010 and it is the first day I am writing into my diary. Why did I decide to write into my diary? Well, I have heard several times that writing is a good method to improve a language you learn. I have never focused on it before but I am very curious about it. I have watched some polyglots and they talked about this method to learn languages.

June 16, 2010

Part 2:
Anyway, I got up at 2:30p.m. (for casual writing, we just write "2:30PM"). I (You won't want to use "because" twice in the sentence, that usually means it's a run-on which you should split into two separate thoughts) went to bed pretty late last night because I was chatting with some people on "SharedTalk" up until 6a.m or something like that. Before I was asleep, I listened to English for a bit and then I changed to German. I even slept wearing ("wearing" could also be "in) my headphones. I (starting a sentence with "but" is considered poor style) woke up at 10a.m, though, because my German podcast was still playing.

June 16, 2010

Part 4:
Anyway, when I got up at 2:30 (no need for the PM since you already stated it previously =) ), first of all, I turned on my computer and looked at the new LingQ thread (I am assuming you meant "forum". We call a discussion in a forum a "thread"). Maybe 10 minutes later, my housemate went to my room in order to print a page because he wanted to post a packet with something he sold on Amazon (Websites are proper nouns). We chatted a little bit about routine stuff. Then I checked new emails that I got. Well, I did not get any interesting emails. Time really flew and it was maybe 4pm when I realised (note: En-US: realized) that my tutor would go (I would say "be leaving" rather than "go") in 30 minutes. I was hungry because I had not yet eaten, so I went to the kitchen to make fried eggs. It was made in 5 minutes; It is really fast food. (These are two related but separate thoughts, so they should be in one sentence separated by a semicolon)

June 16, 2010

Part 5:
I ate it as quickly as I could, and after that my tutor came. We had our conversation together ("together" is not really necessary here since you already said "our". Alternatively, "a conversation together") about several interesting topics. I told him about targets in languages and about brushing up on my German and about finding a job. He finished at university and he is looking for a job, so he told me that he practised (note: En-US: practiced) some possible questions for the interview on Thursday. I am curious about his interview. We should have our conversation on Friday, so he might talk about his interview. He told me that he would go to Thailand on July 10, 2010 for a month, so I will not be having any conversations with him for the whole month. By the way, he said that the writing is a good method learning languages as well. He recommended what I talk about, because I did not know what to talk about before.

June 16, 2010

Part 6:
Anyway, after the conversation ended at 6pm, then my tutor left my house. After that, I chatted with some friends on Skype. One hour later, I had my German conversation with Reinhard for an hour. It was quite good. I wrote my first text in German and we discussed this text in our conversation. He told me what mistakes I made.
After this conversation, I watched some episodes of Friends. I really like watching that series.
Anyway, It seems to be quite a long text for my first day writing in my diary :) I just want to say that I went to bed quite late, something about 5 in the morning.

June 16, 2010

Jarda, I uploaded my recording of a corrected version. I will paste in my correction of your text after this. I don't hold my correction to be better than Amu's, or anyone else's. In fact, I think I may have changed it a little too much - I am used to editing the writing of native English speakers, so I probably changed some things that were more "style" errors than actual incorrect English.

There is one thing that I didn't change, but I thought I should point out to you: talking about fried eggs, you say that they are "really fast food." It's pretty clear that you mean to say that friend eggs are really quick *to prepare*. You should know, though, that in English (or at least in American English) "fast food" is an expression we use generally to refer to restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, & etc., and specifically to the food served at those restaurants. Anyway, just so you know.

June 16, 2010

Here's my corrected text:


Today is June 16, 2010, and it is the first day I am writing in my diary. Why did I decide to write in my diary? Well, I have heard several times that writing is a good way to improve a language you are learning. I have never tried it before, but I am very curious about it. I have heard some polyglots talk about this method of learning a language.

Anyway, I got up at 2:30 p.m. today. I went to bed pretty late last night because I was chatting with some people on "SharedTalk" until 6 a.m. or something like that. Before I slept I listened to English for a bit, and then I changed to German. I even fell asleep wearing my headphones, but I woke up at 10 a.m. because my German podcast was still playing.

June 16, 2010


When I got up at 2:30 p.m., I first turned on my computer and looked at LingQ phorum to see what was new there. Maybe 10 minutes later, my housemate came into my room to print a page he needed in order to post a package containing something he sold on Amazon. We chatted a little bit about routine stuff. Then I checked to see what new emails I'd got, but I hadn't received any interesting ones.

Time really flew, and it was about 4 p.m. when I realised that my tutor would arrive in 30 minutes. I was hungry because I hadn't had a meal yet, so I went to the kitchen to make fried eggs. They were ready in 5 minutes - fried eggs are really fast food. I ate as quickly as I could, and after that my tutor came.

June 16, 2010


We had a conversation about several interesting topics. I told him about my objectives in languages, including brushing up my German, and about finding a job. He has finished at university and he is looking for a job. He said he had practised some questions that he might be asked at an interview on Thursday. I am curious about his interview - we should have another conversation on Friday, so maybe he will talk about how it was. He told me that he is going to Thailand on July 10, 2010 for a month, so I will not be having any conversations with him for that whole time. By the way, he said as well that writing is a good method for learning a language, and he recommended things for me to write about because I could not think of anything.

June 16, 2010


Anyway, our conversation ended at 6 p.m. and my tutor left. I chatted with some friends on Skype, and then an hour later I had my German conversation with Reinhard, which lasted for the following hour. It was quite a good conversation - I wrote my first text in German, and then we discussed it and he told me what mistakes I had made.

After the conversation with Reinhard I watched some episodes of Friends. I really like that series.

Anyway, this seems to be quite a long entry for my first day writing in my diary :) I just also want to say that I went to bed quite late, something like five in the morning.


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