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English Audio Request

45 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

please do not make any sentences, just read the data, natural speed please
Thanks :)

The United Kingdom

Location: western Europe.
Population 66, 46 million inhabitants. Population distribution: 0.99 males / female.
GDP: $ 2, 860 billion
Birth rate: 1.7 children/woman
Mortality rate: 4 children per 1,000 births
Life expectancy: 81 years old
Medical density: 2.81 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants.



Nov. 28, 2020

Could you please confirm the numbers? In English, the usage of the command and full stop are the opposite of French. 1,000.00 (en) = 1.000,00 (fr)
"Population 66, 46 million inhabitants" and "GDP: $ 2, 860 billion" are confusing me.

Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît confirmer les nombres ? En anglais, l'utilisation de la virgule et du point est l'inverse du français. 1.000,00 (fr) = 1,000.00 (en)
"Population 66, 46 million inhabitants" et "GDP: $ 2, 860 billion" m'embrouillent.

Nov. 28, 2020

Sorry, autocorrect got me. That should read "comma and full stop".

Nov. 29, 2020

Hello, I confirm the numbers and the use of commas and full stop. I've actually reported the official numbers from the OECD website. Thanks :)


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