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English Audio Request

167 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please

‘Military Healing’

This painting representing a war scene is entitled ‘Military Healing’. It is a universal representation of a bombing scene due to the basic composition of the painting (the building on fire and the soldier) It could be any war.
In the middle, there is a dark shape surrounded by debris and fires. The silhouette is carrying a rifle and it is wearing a helmet, which indicates it must be soldier. The soldier is running but we don’t know if he is escaping or facing an attack: it is unclear and ambiguous.
The aggressive and vivid colors highlight how dangerous and violent the scene is. The soldier is brave even if he might feel scared.
The artist is anonymous but the title suggests that it was painted by a soldier. The artist must have faced a war trauma and wanted to paint about his difficult experience.
Painting is a way to express your feelings and to heal the trauma. This is a process named art therapy.



Sept. 22, 2020

So sorry. Mistake at around 0:45 in recording. I read "ambitious" instead of "ambiguous." Adjusted in second recording.


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