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English Audio Request

141 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

I'd like to improve myself to start a conversation with someone
Could you tell me if it's right please ?
I hope I didn't make any mistakes.

Hi, nice to meet you! How are you doing today ?
My name is Christophe and I’m forty six years old. How old are you?
I come from North in France but I live in the east, in Burgundy.
It’s near a city called Dijon / It’s in the South-East of Paris.
I have been learning English for several months and I think I made huge progress since the beginning.
Now I would like to improve my pronunciation and my spoken English!
I am married and I have three sons. Two teenagers and one little boy : The oldest has sixteen years old, the second has thirteen, and the youngest has seven.
What about you ? Do you have any children ?
I work at a big company place as an engineer.
And you, What do you do for a living?


  • introduction ( recorded by cpark44321 ), Californian

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    Corrected Text

    Hi, nice to meet you! How are you doing today ?
    My name is Christophe and I’m forty six years old. How old are you?
    I come from North in France but I live in the east, in Burgundy.
    It’s near a city called Dijon / It’s in the South-East of Paris.
    I have been learning English for several months and I think I have made huge progress since I started.
    Now I would like to improve my pronunciation and my spoken English!
    I am married and I have three sons. Two teenagers and one little boy : The oldest is sixteen years old, the second is thirteen, and the youngest is seven.
    What about you ? Do you have any children ?
    I work at a large company as an engineer.
    And you, What do you do for a living?


Oct. 11, 2020

Hello! Great job on your introduction! I went ahead and changed a few small things to make the sentences a little more natural. Some of them could be said the way you did, like "I think I made huge progress since the beginning" is not a way I would say that, but I would definitely understand what you were trying to say. I may have changed it even more than I did actually and said "I think I have made a lot of progress" and leave off the since the beginning part.
One thing that does need to be changed, however, is "the oldest has 16 years old," in English we always talk about how old someone IS, not how many years they HAVE.
Also, it has occurred to me that Cristophe is probably your name so I am sorry for trying to correct it!!

Oct. 14, 2020

Thank you so much for your recording and changes.
Your comment is very usefull for me (or to me... I'm not sure)


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