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English Audio Request

596 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please

present perfect or past perfect
1 I didn't want to go to Voronezh because I had been there before.
2 Have you read my book? Can I get it back?
3 Since I sold my bike, I had walked to school every day.
4 You are early! Where have you been?
5 The next day they got up early. When they had finished breakfast, they began to make plans for the rest of the day.
6 Friends Reunited is the most popular website in Britain. I have become its registered member.
7 Only 38 per cent of the readers said they had read the new novel during that period.
8 Mel joined the queue at the checkout counter to pay for a few things he had selected.
9 When I got to John's house, the police were there. Somebody had stolen his car.
10 -Has Mrs Boxel arrived? -Rachel said she had arrived a quarter of an hour before. Why have you come so late?
11 Two years ago Margaret decided to give up skiing after she had broken her leg several times.
12 I have waited long enough! I am going home.
13 Hello, Boris. Have you had a nice day?
14 We have known each other for years and we have been in love with each other since the day we met.
past simple or past perfect
1 When I got to the party, it had already started.
2 I had just sat down when Rick asked me to dance.
3 After Juliet had arrived at the hotel, she had a bath.
4 When they had left the restaurant, it began raining.
5 Jack gave up drinking because he had had so many accidents.
6 By the time they reached the shop it had already closed.
7 When they got married, they had known each other for ten years.
8 My sister looked very tired because she had slept badly.
9 Larry said they had been engaged for ten months.
10 Although Madge didn't learn to ski until she was 11, by her 19th birthday she had already won two World Cup races.
11 Jill was upset because Stephen hadn't called her.
12 Nobody came to Mark's party because he had forgotten to send the invitation cards.
13 Last month my parents bought a new computer for me.
14 Jenny walked for twenty minutes and then suddenly burst into tears.
15 Roger was not sure he had shut the door before leaving.
future simple or future-in-the-past
1 I'll take an umbrella if it rains.
2 Dear Sarah, I'm writing to tell you I'll be in Edinburgh next week.
3 I thought dad would be happy if I gave him this book.
4 Do you think it will snow tommorow?
5 They promised they would send an e-mail when they arrived.
6 We're lost. I'll stop and ask the way.
7 Explain this to them again, perhaps they will understand.
8 I thought that mum would be angry if I stayed at the party longer.
9 Florence was sure Andy would win.
10 I think I'll work as a babysitter for a family with young children three days a week.
11 I hope my parents will give me a puppy as a birthday present.
12 Jane promised she wouldn't spend more than three hours a day in front of her computer.
13 Richard understood he would have to prepare everythig himself.
14 Soon we shall leave our school and enter a grown-up life.
15 Do you think the world will be able to stop terrorism?



Dec. 2, 2021

do you want the recorder to give the number of the particular line in the recording?

Dec. 10, 2021

The numbers can be omitted , if they are a trouble

Dec. 10, 2021

Before I made the recording, I had made a few changes to the text, but apparently I don't know how to 'save' an amended text. A user of this recording should probably make the following changes: I changed 'invitation cards' to 'invitations', I corrected the spelling of tomorrow, and I corrected the spelling of 'everything'.

Dec. 10, 2021

thank you I am happy


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