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English Audio Request

144 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please

Neither the father nor his daughters were prepared for the bad news.
Each man and each woman has a vote.
Neither John nor Peter has any rights to the property.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Age and experience brings wisdom.
Either John or Mark has done this mischief.
No prize or medal was given to the boy, though he stood first in the examination.
Neither the Principal nor the lecturers were present at the meeting.
Either John or his brothers are responsible for this.
Neither the Chief Minister nor his colleagues have given any explanation for this.
Either you or John has to take the lead in this matter.
Neither he nor I have money to spare for this.
Neither you nor Alice seems to be capable of doing this.
The news is too good to be true.
Politics is a dirty game.



March 5, 2021

Thank you


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