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English Audio Request

166 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Nearly normal speed, slightly slow.
Please pause 2 or 3 seconds between each sentence.

Example : I didn't get that. Could you speak up, please ?

Pupil 1 : I can't see the board. Could you switch on the lights, please ?
I can't see the board. Could you switch on the lights, please ?

Pupil 2 : I've left my pencil box at home. Can anybody lend me a pen ?
I've left my pencil box at home. Can anybody lend me a pen ?

Pupil 3 : I don't know that word. What does it mean ?
I don't know that word. What does it mean ?

Pupil 4 : It's too bright in here. Could you pull down the blinds, please ?
It's too bright in here. Could you pull down the blinds, please ?

Pupil 5 : I'm hot. Could you open the window, please ?
I'm hot. Could you open the window, please ?

Pupil 6 : I've forgotten my tissues. Has anybody got one ?
I've forgotten my tissues. Has anybody got one ?


  • I need some help (test) ( recorded by Robarnf ), Parisian, International (British)

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