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English Audio Request

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As a teen in Taiwan, fashion is a big part of my life. I think fashion can affect me both positively and negatively. On one hand, dressing up in a stylish outfit can make me feel confident and happy. On the other hand, sometimes the pressure to keep up with the latest trends and look perfect all the time can be stressful.

In terms of what's fashionable nowadays, there's a lot of variety in Taiwan. K-pop and J-pop fashion is very popular, with many young people trying to emulate the style of their favorite idols. Taiwanese street fashion is also popular, with bold colors, oversized clothing, and unique accessories. Traditional Taiwanese clothing, such as the qipao (chee-pow) or hanfu, is also making a comeback among young people.

Personally, I do follow fashion to a certain extent. I like to keep up with the latest trends and find inspiration on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. However, I also like to incorporate my own personal style into my outfits and experiment with different looks.

I would say that I'm a fashionable person, but not necessarily in the traditional sense. I think being fashionable is about more than just wearing the latest designer brands or following every trend. To me, it's about expressing myself through my clothing and feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin.

Finally, I don't think that fashion is only for people who can afford it. While high-end designer brands can be expensive, there are many affordable options available in Taiwan. Street markets and night markets are a great place to find unique and affordable clothing, and there are also many local and international fast fashion brands that offer trendy clothing at a lower cost.

Overall, I think fashion is an important part of teen culture in Taiwan. While it can be both positive and negative, I think it's ultimately about expressing ourselves and feeling confident in our own skin.




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