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English Audio Request

246 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Can you repeat each sentence (separated by slash /) twice ans speak slowly please (I want to make a dictation) can you say the punctuation as well please? Thanks

The United States was peopled gradually / by successive waves of immigration / coming from all over the world./
Mass immigration started after 1815.
Between 1815 and 1860, / 5 million people immigrated to the United States,/ they came from Ireland, / the rest of the British Isles , / Germany , /France , / Holland and Switzerland.
These people left their countries / for a variety of reasons ,/ for example one of the main cause / was political instability or demographic growth, / they also suffered from religious persecutions / and economic difficulties / (famine in Ireland in 1846-1847) / so they decided to flee.
Between 1860 and 1880,/ 10 million people / mainly from the British Isles and Germany / immigrated to the USA.
Between 1880 and 1914 , / 15 million immigrants arrived in America. / The ethnic background of immigrants / began to change , / they came from Eastern and Southerrn European countries . / Their arrival / met with the hostility of American people / who demanded / that immigration should become selective./
The first measure / aiming at controlling immigration / was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 / which prevented Chinese / from settling in America.
In 1917 , / the Literacy Test / (aimed at checking if immigrants could read) / was implemented./ Then , / there were quota laws / to reduce the numbers of immigrants./
In 1965 , / the Quota laws were modified./


  • Waves of immigration in the USA ( recorded by vikkiy ), unspecified accent

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