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English Audio Request

204 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Last Sunday , I had a family lunch at my grandparents. My Granddad asked about my work placement at the bakery "The cake corner". I said: "It was more difficult than at school ! I got up at 5 am , took a bus at 5:45 and started at 6. It was from Tuesday to Sunday but Monday was a day off !
The manager was M. Bradfield , there were 5 employees , my supervisor was called William. In the bakery , hygiene was very strict. I had to change my white apron and cap every day.I often had to wash my hands.I worked from 6 to 2pm , for lunch it was good , I could choose a portion of quiche or pizza.When I arrived ,I prepared the dough for the bread with my supervisor's help , I peeled some fruit , I baked the cakes and I cleaned the tools oh , I also swept the bakery. It was hard job really ! I enjoyed this placement because I learnt new things and I feel more confident now but there was too much work and I wouldn't like to be a baker later because I hate waking up so early !!!




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