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English Audio Request

261 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Have you heard of the term "Helicopter Parent?"

While I was internet-surfing, I came across on the blog of a person from the US.

The definition is a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her child's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutes. Those parents hover over the child like a helicopter.

What surprised me was that those children don't hate their parents' behaviors.

The image of American children is nowhere near the ones who are happy with those helicopter parents. I guess that they are just a minority in the west, right?

Meanwhile across Japan, the term "Monster Parents" has been an issue lately. Teachers are reporting an astonishing change in the character of parents, who used to be respectful and silent. They are now super-aggressive complainers.

Previously, when a child was in trouble, the parent worried and often asked the teachers what to do, but now they try to have the teachers sacked because the teachers did not manage the children well in school.

The number of the monster parents seems to have been increasing over the last ten years. While writing this, I came up with an idea as to why parents have changed.

Maybe because they started thinking that they are the ones who can protect their children from bullying and other problems that children encounter in school.

They seem to look and sound scary from a teacher's point of view. Lots of teachers have mental problems in Japan. This is a serious problem that follows monster parents. It is a totally vicious circle...


  • Helicopter Parents are Hovering Around You? ( recorded by saudaaji ), General American

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