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English Audio Request

3 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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  • Speaker 3 ( recorded by catkerrfl ), United States

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  • Speaker 3 ( recorded by papadabear ), East Coast American, Latin American Spanish

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    Corrected Text

    I served the tennis player Tina Sherwood with lots of fruit and vegetables in a shop in Wimbledon during the tennis tournament one year. The players used to come in and buy huge amounts of stuff to keep them going. She bought so much. She was paying by credit card. I suppose she thought she didn't have to sign the slip because she was so famous, but I made her do it. She looked quite taken aback at the time, but after that, whenever I saw her in the street, she'd stop me to ask how I was. I could be wrong but I reckon she realised that, no matter how famous you are, there are still rules that apply to everyone.



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