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English Audio Request

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Rockslide and Landslide: (deslizaminetos)
Rockslide is a downward and rapid movement of newly detached pieces of bedrock.
Landslides are ground and rock movements. They occur most commonly where the ground is made of soft material, like clay.
When ground or cliffs collapsed, one calls them "scree".
The difference between a rockslide and a landslide is what is sliding:
• rockslide: big rocks and cliffs
• landslide: ground and mud
What to Do to Avoid Rockslide and Landslide
Of course, if you live outside rockslide hazard zones, accident risks will also be lower. To reduce rockslide (or collapse) risks, rocksheds similar to snowsheds, as for avalanches, could be installed.
Another way is to trigger controlled rockslide risks, which means to cause less strong rocks to fall down after being sure nobody or nothing will be hit by them.

Drought (sequia) : is a period or condition of unusually dry weather within a geographic area where rainfall is normally present. During a drought there is a lack of precipitation. Droughts occur in all climatic zones. However, its characteristics vary significantly from one region to another.

Its seriousness depends on the degree of the water shortage, size of area affected, and the duration and warmth of the dry period. In many underdeveloped countries, such as India, people place a great demand on water supply. During a drought period there is a lack of water, and thus many of the poor die.

Although drought cannot be reliably predicted, certain precautions can be taken in drought-risk areas. These include construction of reservoirs to hold emergency water supplies, education to avoid overcropping and overgrazing, and programs to limit settlement in drought-prone areas. The Southern Africa Development Community monitors the crop and food situation in the region and alerts the people during periods of crisis.


  • Droughts, landslides and rockslides ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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