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English Audio Request

248 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

This movie is known as Taken, it came out in 2008, film by Pierre Morel. It’s known for a man who’s always in thriller movies, always in action movies as well, seeking to solve a problem, a mystery, things of that nature. The movie to me was pretty interesting because Liam Neeson who is the main actor – he’s such an amazing actor – is always finding a solution to a problem, which is what I love. In the movie itself, he played a former FBI agent who was trying to solve a mystery which involves his daughter. His daughter had actually decided to go to France and do a trip tour of Europe with her friends and so forth. So she came to Paris which is loved by many Americans and while she got to Paris, she was abducted and taken by a group of people. Eventually, Liam, who had to find his daughter, he came to Paris, and he used all of the power he had as a former FBI agent in order to seek this mystery of where his daughter was taken. As a result, he was able to find her and solved the issue and... I liked the movie over all because and it’s just... I love anything that involves thriller, mystery solving, anything that deals with someone that’s being taken and you know you have to find where the person is and things of that nature. So, to me that was pretty interesting.




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