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English Audio Request

145 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Please, speak quite slowly (it is for 12-13 y-o pupils, learning ESL) while trying to keep it natural (like in a documentary). Thanks!

In 1692 many people in Salem, Massachusetts, believed that there were witches among them.

The witchcraft scare probably began when a woman named Tituba told a group of girls stories about African witchcraft. A few of the girls then claimed to be possessed by the devil.

They accused Tituba and two other women of witchcraft. Colonial officials believed the girls and arrested the women. Tituba confessed to being a witch.

The town panicked. Between May and September townspeople accused hundreds of men and women of witchcraft. The colony set up a special court to try them. Under pressure, many of the people on trial falsely accused others. About 150 people were put in prison. Nineteen people were found guilty and hanged.

By October the panic was over. The governor of Massachusetts stopped the trials and released the prisoners. The government later reversed the guilty decisions.




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