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English Audio Request

117 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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regular speed please :) thanks a lot for your time whoever you are :)

why do the Amish reject public electricity?
First, for the Amish electric wires represent a physical and symbolical intrusion of the non-Amish world into the community and thus,to protect the community from the non-Amish world they reject public electricity.
Second, according to the Amish public power represents a danger for the community: it could encourage the Amish to use television, radio, the internet in the home and thus it could deteriorate or destroy their way of life that is family - centered and community -centered.
The Amish reject public power but they do use electricity to power machines, lights, heaters for instance: tthey use different source of electricity ( propane, diesel generator, gas, solar panel, windmill etc)



Nov. 30, 2021

I slightly changed a few of the words

Nov. 30, 2021

excellent :) thanks a lot Jasgirard


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