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English Audio Request

142 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
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natural speed please. :) If you find any mistakes, please feel free to correct my writing :)
thanks in advance.

From the 18th century until the Civil War ( 1861-1865) *, with more than 1,600 plantations Louisiana became an important slave state.These huge properties produced cotton and sugar cane . With an economy based on the use of Black slaves imported from Africa, white planters became immensely rich and built enormous housesrecognizable thanks to their whitecolumns and white verandas.
In the plantation fields, Black slaves sang songs and ballads of their suffering…to get some courage… An original sound was rising from the cotton fields : Blues was born.
In 1865 the end of the Civil War marked the end of slavery. Slavery was forbidden, black slaves were freed and a lot of planters were ruined.
Yet, today , even if plantations don't exist anymore, we can still admire these white mansions, an architectural heritage from this dark period.


  • Louisiana, a former slave state ( recorded by AnjaliAngel ), American west

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    Corrected Text

    From the 18th century until the Civil War ( 1861-1865) *, with more than 1,600 plantations, Louisiana became an important slave state. These huge properties produced cotton and sugar cane . With an economy based on the use of Black slaves imported from Africa, white planters became immensely rich and built enormous houses, recognizable thanks to their white columns and white verandas.
    In the plantation fields, Black slaves sang songs and ballads of their suffering--to get some courage. An original sound was rising from the cotton fields : Blues was born.
    In 1865, the end of the Civil War marked the end of slavery. Slavery was forbidden, black slaves were freed, and a lot of planters were ruined.
    Yet, today , even if plantations don't exist anymore, we can still admire these white mansions, an architectural heritage from this dark period.

  • Louisiana, a former slave state ( recorded by jasgirard ), American

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April 8, 2021

:) thank u Jasgirard


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