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English Audio Request

115 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Note to recorder:

Natural speed. Make sure to pause between sentences.
FEMALE recorder. AMERICAN accent please.
Do not change the text in any way. DO NOT read the title.
If possible try to put some feeling into it (like in a real school election).

Hi, I’m Annie Smith and I am running for President for this year. I want to do everything I can to make students happy in our school. I promise to be a leader and your friend. You can come to me if you need any help. I think it’s important to work as a team, so I want to start a recycling program in our school cafeteria. I want to organize a Talent Show so students can express their creativity and unique talents. I know there are many good candidates, but, I really hope that you vote for me, Annie Smith, as your new school President. You want something done, Annie is the One! Thank




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