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English Audio Request

119 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Dear colleagues,
Please speak slowly when you speak (especially the dates) this audio is for secondary school pupils.

The Republic of India lies in South East Asia between China, Pakistan, and Nepal.
Its capital city is New Delhi.
In Delhi, you can visit the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial. Gandhi played an important role in the independence of India in 1947.
From 1858 to 1947, India was ruled by the British.
The most visited monument in India is the Taj Mahal. It is located in the city of Agra. Jaipur: Indians call this city the Pink city because it was painted in pink, the colour of hospitality, in 1876 to welcome the Prince of Wales.
One of the most populated cities is Mumbai. It is on the western coast of India.
Kolkata is in the north east of India.




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