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English Audio Request

129 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural poetry reading please.

by Ray Is na wi chah

White man come, nothing the same

Buffalo all gone, no more game.
White man come, death and slaughter

Murdered the Tribes, raped our daughters.

White man come, bring bullets and guns

Killed my wife, killed my sons.
White man come, lands all lost

Treaties got signed, to our cost.

White man come, moved to reservation

No more food, death from starvation.
White man come, bring great despair

Called me savage, cut my hair.

White man come, sent to school

Learned new language, called me fool.

White man come, dams were built

Fish all dead, killed by silt.

White man come, all is polluted

Uranium found, our rights refuted.

White man come, all is lost.

White man come, count the cost.




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