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English Audio Request

209 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Can it sound natural even if a bit slower than usual with word stress for English learners? Thanks ;)

The picture is called “Arrest of Guy Fawkes in the cellars
of Parliament”, a 19th century wood engraving in
black and white. It refers to the notorious “Gunpowder
Plot” which took place in the cellars of the Houses of
Parliament on the 5th of November 1605. It shows the
key moment when Guy Fawkes was arrested by guards.
There are walls made up of big stones, and on the top
right-hand corner we can see a small window with bars
like a cell in a prison. The picture is in two parts. On the
left-hand side, there is a pile of gunpowder filled barrels
almost up to the ceiling. On the right-hand side, we can
see Guy Fawkes struggling while guards arrest him. His
face is turned to the left. He has a pointy beard. He’s
wearing a wide brimmed hat, high boots, a dark coat
with a white collar. One guard is on his knees in front of
him and is tying a rope around him. There are two guards
behind him, one of whom has his hands on his shoulders.
Behind these four characters we can see the helmets of
three or four guards who are hidden in the shadows.
They’ve probably just arrived through a door.




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