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English Audio Request

289 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please and thank you so much for the taking time!

Very sick



sick as a dog


not so good

not so hot

under the weather




sick to one's stomach




all right

not bad

pretty good




A: Shinji and I are going to a movie tonight. Do you want to go with us, kevin?

B: Thanks, but I think I'll stay home. I don't feel so hot. I feel faint and sick to my stomach. I'm going to go to bed early.

A: We missed you at the movie last night, Kevin. Are you still under the weather?

B: Now I feel even worse. In fact, I'm sick as a dog. I hurt all over.

A: I think you should call the doctor. This sounds serios.

B: Yeah. I feel awful. If I don't feel better this afternoon, I'll call Dr. Huang.

A: Let me know if you need a ride to his office. You sound too sick to drive.

B: Thanks for the ride to the doctor yesterday, Takuji.

A:Don't mention it. How do you feel today?

B: So-so. When the nurse took my temperature yesterday, it was 102. I don't feel as feverish today. My temperature is down to 99. I think I'll be all right by tomorrow.

A: Well, take it easy. You had a bad case of the flu and you need to rest.

B: Hey Kevin, how are you doing?

A: Great! I fell much better than I did yesterday. I think I'll be able to go to that party with you tomorrow night.

B: I don't know. I don't feel so good myself.

A: Oh, no! Well, if you get the flu, I'll be glad to drive you to the doctor's office!



July 15, 2011

I think this may be really loud and have a lot of background noise, but I'm not sure since I'm on a different computer and the speakers are funky... Let me know if you need me to record it again!

July 15, 2011

Hi, adelie.

Thank you always for helping me out!

That's very kind of you.

Will you really record it again if I ask you for it? Because an exclamation mark seems to me implies something < don't don't don't...> lol

I can hear it clearly!! Thanks &_&

hope you have a great weekend!!

July 15, 2011

hahaha, it didn't imply anything other than friendliness :P

you're very welcome and have a great weekend as well!


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