Natural speed, maybe slightly slower but not too much. Please, don't include the title and choose only one name in the first sentence according to your gender. Do not hesitate to correct any mistake you might find or rewrite some sentences if they are too long or sound unnatural. Thank you very much.
Hey! This is Zack/ Melanie here and this is my podcast.
I've been reading articles online recently with studies about social media and the internet and their effects on people and I just thought you might be interested in my opinion about them.
Apparently, social media are not good places to socialise. Those studies show that most people feel really depressed after spending too much time on Instagram or Facebook and it can damage their self-confidence. I see their point but I think Instagram is also a good platform to promote products or physical activity with all the sports coaches. Hum... But... Now that I think of it.... There's also a lot of fake accounts which try to sell you things that you don't need or things that don't work so it's not always amazing, I admit that.
Studies also say that social media can make people aggressive. I agree with that. There are so many trolls in the comment section on YouTube! And the worst is that some of them tell you to commit suicide, this is crazy! There's so much cyberbullying online just because some people can't accept different opinions.
I still think the internet is a great tool though. I use it to look for information for my homework -especially in history class- and I always double check my sources just to be careful. Plus, the internet can be ugly but it can also be a positive place. I've seen many petitions online fighting against injustice or crowdfunding sites helping people who couldn't pay for a car or for an operation. It's time for people to make the internet a place to share and become more open-minded. Plus, the internet is only one fraction of your life to be honest. I already spend less time on my phone and I try to read everyday to rest my eyes a little. Anyway... What do YOU think?