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English Audio Request

249 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

American / Canadian Accent - They're independent grammar sentences. I'll cut and split evey single one. So you can take a break between them. It's for intermediate and advanced level students, so be free to speak fluently naturally. If you don't feel good with a sentence, repeat it until you do, I'll edit and cut every single sentence. Thank you.

Where are the old cars?
Where are hers?
Aren't you cold?
They won't stop to wait for you.
Where's my shirt?
She's a teacher.
There aren't many opportunities in my country.
How long did it take you?
I saw him in the middle of the crowd.
Are you sure?
Write to me more often.
The bank is near here.
That's what I thought.
These figures are wrong.
He's with a tall man.
You shouldn't talk like that.
Mine aren't young.
Where are those people from?
There are a lot of cases like this one.
We'll learn this process step by step.
You're a friend of hers.
We're going to need a lot.
If it's not there, then where is it?
Where is the teacher?
Are there many opportunities in your country?
My boss is crazy.
How often do you see her?
If it doesn't work I'll kill myself.
I don't want to cause any more problems.
What are those?
Tell him to call me.
Does it rain much here?
What are you laughing about?
Your address isn't on the list.
Your sister is very young.
There aren't many birds in this area.
Their salaries are high.
Where's mine?
Mine are short.
You didn't bring what I brought.
When do you plan to renew your permit?
Why are you the boss?
These results are bad.
You're going to regret it.
There's a little water in the glass.
Mine and hers are similar.
This isn't my address.
Tigers are dangerous animals.


  • Sentences - Booklet - 2 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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