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English Audio Request

381 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

American / Canadian Accent - They're independent grammar sentences. I'll cut and split evey single one. So you can take a break between them. It's for intermediate and advanced level students, so be free to speak fluently naturally. If you don't feel good with a sentence, repeat it until you do, I'll edit and cut every single sentence. Thank you.

There is a notice on the door. It says 'Do not disturb'.

Do you give each other presents at Christmas?

Be on time. Don't be late.

Who was that man standing at the bus stop?

At first we didn't get on very well, but in the end we became good friends.

There is somebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is?

There's a dirty mark on the wall.

I was at Helen's last night.

Who is that man standing at the door?

I was sitting in the back of the car when we crashed.

I have a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains.

The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.

Do you work in the evenings?

I'm going away at the end of the month.

James isn't up yet. He's still in bed.

The train will be leaving in a few minutes.

There's no-one in the building.

In Britain we drive on the left.

What have you got in your hand?

Who is that man standing at the window?

Have you ever worked on a farm?

It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception.

Andy has gone away. He'll be back in a week.

The TV is in the corner of the room.

I've just started working in the sales department.

We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end.

I'll see you on Friday.

We were at the back, so we couldn't see very well.

The players shook hands at the end of the game.

I'm going away at the end of January.

I was at Helen's house last night.

Jane's house is at the other end of the street.

There was my wife swimming in the pool.

I'll meet her at the airport.

I had sat on the ground.

I will see Helen at a concert next Saturday.

Shall we go to a restaurant or eat at home?

I don't like working at night.

I got home too late to see the game on TV.

They arrived in 1998.

Sam's parents live in a village in the south of France.

There's no-one in the room.




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