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English Audio Request

140 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Slowly, please

was once a light breeze, lived flying in the sky .
without shackles and without inhibitions, sped at full sail .
and looked into this world without joy, without considering paying for everything.
and taking off , laughing over a precipice, believed angel rescue me .

was fire, fire careless and did not know in the heat of passion
that burns a candle time, leaving only ashes days.
but many times in desperation that flame was warmed .
burning other accidentally I did not expect the fire in response .

and now at the dawn but autumn walks in the door, knocking on the window.
life goes on and enters. all meted out long ago.
and when the damn was inevitable, I will again wind and fire.
just come to you will tenderness, sadness and light rain.


  • By the rain ( recorded by HerAntiderivative ), American

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  • By the rain ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Corrected Text

    was once a light breeze, lived flying in the sky .
    without shackles and without inhibitions, sped at full sail .
    and looked into this world without joy, without considering paying for everything.
    and taking off , laughing over a precipice, believed angel rescue me .

    was fire, fire careless and did not know in the heat of passion
    that burns a candle time, leaving only ashes days.
    but many times in desperation that flame was warmed .
    burning other accidentally I did not expect the fire in response .

    and now at the dawn but autumn walks in the door, knocking on the window.
    life goes on and enters. all meted out long ago.
    and when the damn was inevitable, I will again wind and fire.
    just come to you will tenderness, sadness and light rain.

    (Note: Much of this is not grammatically correct, but since it's poetry I didn't change any of it.)


March 16, 2021

Thank you very much!
This is russuan song.
Is this a correct translation?

был когда-то легким ветром, жил летая в небесах.
без оков и без запретов, мчал на полных парусах.
и смотрел в этот мир без радости, не считаясь платил за все.
и взлетая, смеясь над пропастью, верил ангел меня спасет.

был огнем, огнем беспечным и не знал в пылу страстей,
что сгорает время свечкою, оставляя лишь пепел дней.
но зато столько раз в отчаянии этим пламенем был согрет.
обжигая других нечаянно я не ждал огня в ответ.

а теперь в рассвет, но осень входит в дверь стучит в окно.
жизнь течет и не заносит. все отмерено давно.
а когда пропаду в неизбежности, снова стану ветром и огнем.
лишь к тебе приходить буду нежностью, грустью светлой и дождем.


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