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English Audio Request

115 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please, as if you were telling this scary story to children. A wee Scottish accent would be a bonus! ;)

On the Scottish border, near where Scotland touches England, there is a ruined castle called Dunneclan. A group of English tourists on their way to Edinburgh stopped and got off the bus to visit the castle. ¬ They went up the tower to see the place where many people had been tortured and murdered through history. When they got to the top of the stairs, they were met by a small and ugly figure, wearing heavy metal boots and a red hat, coloured by the blood of his victims. It was too late to run away...If you go to Dunneclan today, you can still see the carcass of an English bus parked outside the castle...




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