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English Audio Request

350 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Not fast please

Fire, explosion

I am on fire (after explosion)
Fire is on deck
Are dangerous goods on fire?
Yes dangerous goods are on fire.
NO dangerous goods are not on fire.
Is there danger of explosion?
Yes\No danger of explosion.
I’m not under command.
Is the fire under control?
Yes fire is under control.
No fire is not under control.
What kind of assistance is required?
I don’t does not require assistance.
I require
Report injured persons.
No persons injured.


1 Im flooding below the water line.
2 Im cant control flooding.
3 What kind of assistance is required?
I requires pumps ……
I will send pumps…..
I cant send pumps….
4 I have a dangerous list to port side
5 Im in critical condition.
6 Flooding is under control?
7 I can proceed without assistance.
8 I require escort


1 I have collided
2 Report damage
I have damage above\ below water line.
Im not under command.
3 I cant repair damage.
4 I can proceed at slow speed.
5 What kind of assistance is required?
I require escort……..


1 Im aground.
2 I require tug assistance
3 What part of your vessel is aground?
Aground forward/amidships/ aft / full length.
4 Warning. Uncharted rocks in position…
5 Risk of grounding at low water.
6 I will jettison cargo to refloat.
Warning! Don’t jettison IMO-Class cargo.
7 When do you expect to refloat?
I expect to refloat
… at UTC
… when tide rises.
… when weather improves
… when draft decreases.
8 Can you beach?
I can will beach in position
I cant beach


1 I have dangerous list to port\starboard.
2 I will…
Transfer cargo\bunkers to stop listing.
Jettison cargo to stop listing.
3 I am in danger of capsizing.


1 Im sinking after collision / grounding / flooding / explosion…
2 Im requires assistance.
3 Im proceeding to your assistance.
4 ETA at distress position within …. Hours / at … UTC

Disabled and adrift

1 Im…
Not under command
Drifting at … knots to …
2 I require tug assistance


  • IMO standard marine communication phrases ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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