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English Audio Request

348 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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It is not a coherent text, but a collection of separate sentences to help to remember these words.


Africans were initially only allowed paltry representation in the federal parliament by two members from each federated territory.
His soldiers were naturally intimidated at the prospect of invading a vast empire with such a paltry force, so Cortes burned their ships to forestall any desertion.


The Naval Agreement was renewed, but the restrictions on the deployment of the Auxiliary Squadron which the Admiralty found so irksome were not removed, and there was little support from the Australian delegates for an increase in the subsidy.
As the communication-trenches are always congested with men coming and going, this work is all the more irksome.


A basic tenet of Gnosticism is “dualism,” the concept that there is a primary force of good and a primary force of evil.
The policy of Charles varied between the encouragement of friendly overtures from supporters of different complexions at home, and a somewhat damaging cultivation of foreign alliances, which were delusive in their proffered help, and might involve dangerous compliance with religious tenets abhorred in England.


Attention has focused not only on the shape but also on the precise size and spatial disposition of pyramids, as well as the detailed internal arrangement of the chambers.
Discussion frequently focuses on negative aspects of investment by multinational corporations, but it remains necessary to recognize great spatial disparities in Africa’s resource endowment and complexities in the historical pattern of mineral industry development.


And we accordingly find that the order of insects to which the gnat belongs, comprises also the chief tormentors of the quadruped tribes.
After discussions among themselves, they decide to take matters into their own hands to teach her tormentor and the Japanese a lesson.


The party’s appeal to those on the lower rungs of the educational, social, and economic ladder was a clear manifestation of galvanizing mass support from the populace by using the bottom-to-top approach.
Returning to Paris to the acclaim of the populace, he began to feel that the future of France and his destiny were intertwined, but the time was not yet right to seize power.


  • Upper Intermediate English Vocabulary (6) ( recorded by cavinsays ), American - Southeast

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  • Upper Intermediate English Vocabulary (6) ( recorded by Martin ), Scottish (mainly Glasgow)

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