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English Audio Request

269 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please
We're going to work on the intonation: rising (yes/no questions) and falling (wh questions), if you could pay attention to this it would be lovely ! Thanks!

• What is your name?
• How old are you?
• Are you male or female?
• Are you married or single?
• What is your occupation? (=job)
• Are you able to (=can you) read and write?
• What country are you from?
• What is your race?
• What is the name and address of a relative from your native country?
• What is your final destination in America?
• Who paid for your passage?
• How much money do you have with you?
• Have you been to America before?
• Are you meeting a relative here in America? Who?
• Have you been in a prison, almshouse, or institution for care of the insane?
• Are you a polygamist? Are you an anarchist?
• Are you coming to America for a job? Where will you work? • What is the condition of your health?
• Are you deformed or crippled?
• How tall are you?
• What color are your eyes/hair?
• Do you have any identifying marks? (scars, birthmarks, tattoos)
• Where were you born? (list country and city)
• Who was the first President of America?
• What are the colors of our flag?
• How many stripes are on our flag? How many stars?
• What is the 4th of July?
• What is the Constitution?
• What are the three branches in our government?
• Which President freed the slaves?
• Can you name the 13 original Colonies?
• Who signs bills into law?
• Who is the current President of the United States?
• What is America’s national anthem called?




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