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English Audio Request

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Japanese has quite a few homophones since it has fewer phonemes than English.

Today, I’m going to tell you about one of the homophones in Japanese, "あつい/atsui".

"あつい/atsui" has three meanings which , when written, are represented in the following three ways: "厚い", "熱い","暑い".

I don’t think that it is easy for non-native Japanese speakers to use them properly .

The three meanings are below.

厚い/atsui meaning "thick, heavy, kind, warm, hearty, hospitable etc" as in the phrases:

・a thick book
(厚い本/atsui hon)

・thick cloud
(厚い雲/atsui kumo)

・He is kind to his friends.
(彼は友情に厚い/kare wa yuujou ni atsui)

・a warm welcome.
(厚いもてなしatsui motenashi)

暑い/atsui meaning "hot, warm, sultry, muggy" in reference to the weather.

and 熱い/ atsui meaning "hot, heated, intent, eager " as in the phrases:

・to be eager for
(熱い期待を寄せる/atsui kitai wo yoseru)

・an intent gaze
(熱いまなざし/atsui manazashi)

・to talk with enthusiasm
(熱い思いを語る/atsui omoi wo kateru)

・to be in love with each other

In addition, I'll give an example sentence using all three different meanings of "あつい/atsui":

*"atsui hi ni atsui teppan wo atsukunaru made ni kakaeru."
On a hot day, I put/heat a thick iron plate on the fire until it gets hot.

From this sentence, you can also learn another homophone: "ひ/hi" which can be written as "日/hi" meaning "day" in English and "火/hi" meaning "fire" .

Incidentally, there is yet another homophone for "篤い/atsui" however it isn’t one of the Kanjis in common use.

Its meanings are as follows.

・serious, fervent, devoted

・seriously ill
(篤い病気/atsui byouki)

・fervent religious beliefs
(篤い信仰心/atsui shinkoushin)


  • 「あつい/atsui」: A Study in Homphones ( recorded by 4sato ), Australian

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  • 「あつい/atsui」: A Study in Homphones ( recorded by Antoinette_ ), American (California)

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