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English Audio Request

135 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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4- Native Americans today
The American government tried to make Indians learn the ways of the white people, wear their clothes, speak their language and adopt their religion. Indians became citizens of the United States in 1924 but living conditions on the reservations were still very hard. Since the 1970’s, the American Indian Movement has been trying to improve things. In 1972, thousands of Native Americans travelled to Washington in a protest march called “The trail of Broken Treaties”. Since 1975 Indian school children have been able to learn about their own history and culture. However, today nearly a quarter of Indian families still live in poverty. Many of them feel they are caught between two cultures. They can no longer live as their ancestors used to, but they don’t feel part of modern America.


  • Native Americans, a lost culture? (4) ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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  • Native Americans, a lost culture? (4) ( recorded by Chika ), American; Nigerian

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