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English Audio Request

175 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments

What supermarket do you usually shop at?
Where are the trolleys?
Where can I get a basket?
The sections are divided by aisles.
Where is the snacks section?
You can find the T-shirts in the textiles section.
The glasses are in the household goods section.
If you want to buy some films, go to the electronic equipment section.
You can find make-up in the perfumery section.
The washing powder is in the section of household cleaning products.
If you want to buy biscuits, go to the food section.
You can find yoghurts in the dairy section.
The pizzas are in the frozen food section.
If you want to buy ham, go to the meat section.
You can buy a cake in the desserts section.
If you want tomatoes, go to the fruit and vegetables section.
The shelf is almost empty.
Where are the products that are on offer?
The till is next to the entrance.
The cashier is very nice.
How can I get the loyalty card?
Can you give me the purchase receipt, please?



Aug. 31, 2011

Thank you again


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