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French Script Request

Complete / 161 Words
by dot59 0:00 - 00:34

I think that the current situation in France is very similar to what occuring in the United States. For example: each day the on the news there are reports about immigration, talk of mationalism, border control.

Je pense que ce qui se passe en France en ce moment ressemble fort à ce qui se passe aux USA. Par ex, chaque jour, dans les médias il y a des reportages sur l'immigration, le nationalisme et le contrôle des frontières.

by MSAllen 00:34 - 00:34

I think that the current political situation in France is very similar to what is occuring in the United States. Everyday on the news, here in this country, there is constant talk about immigration, talk of nationalism and the importance of control our borders.

Je pense que la situation politique actuelle en France ressemble fort à ce qui se passe aux USA. Tous les jours, aux informations, ici dans notre pays, on parle constamment d'immigration, de nationalisme et du contrôle de nos frontières.


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