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English Script Request

Complete / 132 Words
by Linguanautable 0:00 - 0:00:27

[Reporter] ... how that was for you?
[Woman] ... for feet of water to go get them food on the first day. Yeah, that's a lot of s**t. But y'all sitting here, y'all trying to interview people during their worst times, like that's not the smartest thing to do.
[Reporter] Sorry.
[Woman] Like people are really breaking down and y'all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what the f**k is wrong with us.
[Reporter] So, so sorry, ma'am --
[Woman] - are you really trying to understand with the microphone still in my face? --
[Reporter] Sorry ...
[Woman] - With me shivering cold, with my kids wet, and you still putting the microphone --
[Reporter] Sorry --
[Woman] -- in my face!
- Woman walks away -


Aug. 31, 2017

She's angry at the reporter for interviewing people when they're in a crisis. She's swearing at her a lot, and towards the end of the video keeps asking the reporter why she's just filming her and putting the microphone in her face.

Aug. 31, 2017

Thank you so much, Ben!

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