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English Script Request

Complete / 119 Words
by rdnxl 0:00 - 0:49

I think after the elections, there's gonna (going to) be a lot of hate. We're already seeing it, but I hope that improves, I'm hoping because that's going to be a problem after January when he's really, like, you know doing, um, passing laws and everythig.

But I have Muslim friends. They are asking me, "Should we move out of the country?" You know... they don't know what to do, because the way he talks against them is so aggressive.


We're already.... People say, "When is (the) Third World War gonna come?" It's already here with ISIS. You know, they're all over the place, and we're technically in it, in a world war right now.


Jan. 21, 2017

rdnx, thank you so much! :D

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