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English Script Request

Complete / 1346 Words
by Cruzah 0:00 - 7:44

Hey there, today we're going to step into yet
another important topic to lay the
foundation for some major projects
coming down the road. This topic is
called the Qabalah which is commonly
titled "The Tree of Life" while many have
heard about it there are only a few who
truly understand what it represents even
then the real adepts of the Qabalah
know that the amount of information
derived from this ancient teaching is
actually one of infinite depths. It is a
fundamental key which describes the
nature of the universe and how all of
creation fits together. In the words of
Dion fortune, "the curious symbol
systems known to us as the Tree of Life
is an attempt to reduce to diagrammatic
form, every force and factor in the
manifested universe and the soul of man to
correlate them one to another, and reveal
them spread out as on a map, so that the
relative positions of each unit can be
seen and the relations between them
traced. In brief, The Tree of Life is a
compendium of science, psychology,
philosophy, and theology." The journey into
understanding the Tree of Life can begin
in many ways and so today we will look
at an overview of the system from an
extremely basic perspective in order to
bring clarity and awareness to what it
is and how it works. From there we will
deepen our discussion with greater
details of all of the various
compartments of this mystical system.
the tree of life in its simplest sense,
is made up of ten spheres and 22
interconnected pathways these are often
added together and described as the
thirty-two paths of the Tree of Life. The
ten spheres are actually called Sefirot.
No not that Sefirot. These spheres
represent successive divine emanations
or outpourings of energy in the
continuous flow and evolution of the
universe they are numbered 1 through 10.
Each of which holds the numerological
correspondence that you might expect
when studying numerology. Each Sefirot
represents a unique perspective of
divine power, and by our awareness of
them we can gain insights from each
level to help us on our spiritual
journey. Balance among the Sefirot is
of paramount importance, as each positive
energy will turn negative when taken to
an unbalanced extreme. Each of the
sefira are reflected within all levels
of the universe. Both in the microcosm,
such as within our bodies. and the
macrocosm, when observing all of creation
as a part of a greater whole. Now the 22
pathways, which lay in between these 10
Sefirot, are each associated with the
22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And
also the 22 major arcana in the Tarot.
Each one holds a deep spiritual message.
When they are all in harmony together
they describe that all things from
heaven and earth, are full United in one.
Even when we perceive them to be
otherwise. Where the Sefirot represent
divine powers, the pathways are the
channel of energy between them. The
journey, obstacles, and rewards for moving
towards the next Sefirot. These
energies are all found within us and if
we are open to it we consciously take
part in the wisdom and understanding
moving throughout this tree. By coming to
understand these pathways, which is also
called path working. We begin to
harmonise and balance the internal and
external worlds of ourselves. These paths
represent stages of personal development
and are required to pass between the
Sefirot and are seen as roadways to
spiritual enlightenment.
In addition to the Sefirot and the
pathways there are several other key
ingredients to understand about the tree.
The Tree of Life is largely based on the
principle of three unique forces working
together. For instance, male, female and
child you can also look at it simply as
the polarity between the two extremes
and in the balance in the middle. The
tree has three pillars which are the
pillar of severity, the pillar of mercy,
and the pillar of equilibrium. The left
side is the yin and the right side is the yang.
one of which is principally formative
and constricting in nature and the other
of which is expansive and illuminating
in nature. The central pillar is the
harmonization and balancer of all of
these polarities. The tree also has three
triangles the supernal triangle is made
up of the top three Safira and
represent the three states of God. The
supreme oneness from which all things
emerge. The divine masculine and the
Divine Feminine. And the nations which go
on to create all things. The central
triangle is called the abstract or
ethical triangle, which is the level of
the soul or the part of us which
experiences infinite lifetime and
continues to evolve our spirit beyond
the understanding of our physical
existence. The bottom most triangle is the
astral or magical triangle, which is the
place where our unique egos and
personalities are formed the collective
thoughts and feelings of our individual
identity combined together and our
channels downwards through our bodies
into the bottom Safirot and dictate how
we live our lives. There are also three
major barriers within the tree which
symbolise our disconnection with nature
and then how we can transcend them. The
first barrier is called the
thirty-second pathway or simply called
the Gulf, and is the connection between
the physically manifested realm and the
ether. Crossing this barrier is the
realisation that we are more than our
physical bodies. The second barrier is
called the veil of paroketh, located
between the bottom two triangles and
represents the disconnect between our
soul and our egos. This barrier marks the
highest point to which our normal human
consciousness can rise without
transcendence. The third barrier is
called the abyss, which is between the
upper two triangles. This represents the
ultimate disconnect from spirit that we
all experience and why we believe we are
separate from everything.
This abyss was created in the fall of
consciousness. It is also worth noting
that the four elements play a very
symbolic relationship to the Tree of
Life, which attempts to express the
inexpressible name of God through the
tetragrammaton Yod Heh Vau Heh. Yod being
fired the male symbol of forces that
set the creative process in motion. The
first Heh being the symbol of water, the female or
receptive principle which develops the
impulse of the first fire. Vau being
air, the formative principle of intellect
and mind. The son of the mother and the
father and the final Heh being earth, the manifestation and material principle
of the daughter,the final combined result of the whole
creative process. Together this combines
with what is called the four worlds of the
Tree of Life, The four world can be
depicted in several ways
depending on the varying esoteric
practices. But very simply, it divides the
Qabalah into four unique planes of
becoming in order to delineate the
various states by which creation
manifests through. Bringing more details
to the structure as a whole. At the top
you have the world of emanation, which is
fire. The world of creation, water. The
world of formation, air. And the world of
action, earth. These are the four stages
in the process of creation according to
the Qabalah. All of these concepts and
more will be discussed and explored in
more detail as we go along, but we
thought it would be best to give an
overview of everything before we get to
deep, for anyone who is just beginning so
that you can have a clear road map of
all the places that you can explore. And
to be completely honest with you this is
still only the "teensiest" tip of the
iceberg. We published some articles on
each of these topics on our website to,
which you can read about and continue on
in your learning. We've also included a
number of sources for you to reference
in case you really want to go even
deeper. Let the learning continue. See you next time.


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