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English Script Request

Complete / 1553 Words
by lacy19 0:11 - 0:23

Number four says believe it's possible. Believe it's possible. Oprah Winfrey said, "You don't get what you want, you get what you believe." Beliefs are the it. And I'll tell you my favorite belief story. I met this

by Wanya 0:23 - 1:34

guy who just died a couple years ago. If anyone, But he was 61, he shows up in Sydney Australia for a race of 800 km. A little over 600 miles. And everybody there is like 20-30, its a 6 1/2 day race and they are all dressed in there Nike, Puma, AceX , Rebook, running gear. There all looking pretty youngand fit, and here is a 61 year old guy wearring oshkosh over-alls, a t-shirt's and a baseball cap, construction boots and galoshes 'cause he tauhght it might rain.
''Hey old man wath are you doing here.''
''I'm running a race.''
''Never run a race before?''
''You're starting with a 6 and 1/2 day race?''
''I was free on my schedule and I've always wanna race.''
''what makes you think you could do this? Have you run a marathon?'
''Do you have any training?''
''Do you have a coach?''
''No. Well i'm a farmer and i have to chase my animals around 'cause i don't have a tractor or a horse and I herd them. Some days there's a storm comming and i got them running over here and i get the cows and I just' - I might be out there for 24 hours .I think i could run.''
So the race start, they take off and running fast and here's Cliff, Like this (proceed to walk).

by jmsteve 1:34 - 2:06

They later dubbed it the "Cliff Young Shuffle".

See, but Cliff had an advantage that nobody knew. Cliff had never had a coach, never talked to an elite runner, never understood anything about long-distance running, and never read a book on it, never read Runner's World. So he didn't know you're supposed to run for 18 hours and sleep for six. So that night when everyone was so far ahead of him, they went to bed. He was so far behind and he didn't know it, that night, he just ran right by them.

by JustinG1057 0:00 - 2:40

Number four says believe it's possible. Believe it's possible. Oprah Winfrey said, "You don't get what you want, you get what you believe." Beliefs are the it. And I'll tell you my favorite belief story is-...
I met this guy who just died a couple years ago. He was 81, but when he was 61, he shows up in Sydney Australia for a race that's 850 km, a little over 600 miles. And everybody there is like 20s, 30s, it's an extreme race, its a 6 1/2 day race and they're all dressed in their Nike, Puma, Asics, Reebok, running gear. They're all looking pretty young and fit, and here is a 61-year-old guy wearing OshKosh overalls, a t-shirt and a baseball cap, construction boots, and galoshes 'cause he thought it might rain.
And I'm (??????) ''Old man, what are you doing here?''
''I'm running a race.''
'You ever run a race before?''
''You're starting with a 6 and 1/2 day race?''
''It was free on my schedule and I've always wanted to race.''
''What makes you think you can do this? Have you ever run a marathon?'
''You ever had any training?''
''Did you ever work with a coach?''
''No. Well, I'm a farmer and I have to chase my animals around 'cause I don't have a tractor or a horse and I herd them. Some days there's a storm coming and I got them running over here and I get the cows and I just-- I might be out there for 24 hours. I think I can run.''
So the race starts and they all take off and running fast, and here's Cliff: like this (speaker walks quickly).
They later dubbed it the "Cliff Young Shuffle".
See, but Cliff had an advantage that nobody knew. Cliff had never had a coach, never talked to an elite runner, never understood anything about long-distance running, and never read a book on it, never read Runners' World...
...and so he didn't know you're supposed to run for 18 hours and sleep for six.
So that night when everybody was so far ahead of him, that they went to bed; he was so far behind them that he didn't know it... ...that night, he just ran right by them
(speaker walks quickly, audience laughs).
And Cliff ran non-stop for five and a half days, never sleeping, and broke the record by 12 hours.
61 years old! (applause)

"You reckon you'll make it alright?"
"No worries, with this team behind me, I'll make it alri-- make it? We're practically there!
"Do you think you'll be ready for a good start when you make it to Melbourne?"

by MattRob5678 2:20 - 4:53

You reckon we'll make it all right? No worries. With this team behind me I'll make it all right. Make it? We're practically there now. I'm fairly fit. It's a good sort her out I'll take her out I reckon. You reckon you'll be ready for a good sort when you get to Melbourne? Yeah by a bloody oath. There's plenty down there too, isn't there? I'm going to have a shower in Melbourne, you know, and clean me teeth. I haven't cleaned me teeth since the run started. Couldn't find any water. Well you start off in the black jacket ??? haven't the time really. Going to have a shower and a shave and what's that other thing that starts with "s"? That's the three, I think.

Day 5. More rain and a [hundred and?] 75 kilometers of solitude. A record is broken. Joe(?) record. Demoralized he's caught by [name?]. By now they're 50 kilometers behind. And Cliff is showing the stamina of a Zulu warrior.


Pretty good now. Still strong. I'll make it. Tonight? Yeah, about uh 11 o'clock, correct. Round about 11. See you in Melbourne about 11, I hope. Gonna go straight through? Yeah, I only stopped now to get ??? a bit of food and change shoes. That's about it. Wont stop for long rest. No time to rest. With those fellows coming up behind. Gotta go hard and see if you can keep em back. Why did you go to the front so early? Uh, I like the front position. I'd see...I let em... The first lot(?) I let them run themselves out and then I took the lead, at night time, and I've held the lead ever since. I don't mind the fun if I can get a good break, you know, 20 or 30 km. You can sorta gauge, you can relax when you get a good lead. And then when they start to cut way out's not bad.
The other blokes have trained for months and done all the science. What's your secret, you reckon? Well, you just got to keep going, I think. You can't relax, you've got to keep the pressure on. You can't, it's not easy, it's a tough, it's a tough road, the pressure's there all the time. What sort of runner would you say you are then? Oh, I don't know, born and breed out in the bush runner, one of the old, the old style runner, that's about it, no science.

by Marek_09 02:20 - 04:55

When I say elite sportsman, you automatically think of a 61 year old potato farmer wearing gum boots, don't you?
Sometimes you have events that, sort of, tickle the nation's funny bone, or something grabs their attention, and with Cliff Young, he, it sort of appealed to us on so many different levels.
And he used to run in gum boots, he was the worst dressed sportsperson we've ever had. These days of course, you know, Nike would have be there getting him very special slip-on boots.
Cliff Young was as his name suggested, young at heart. He embodied the 'never say die' attitude that many aspire to but few achieve. What the actual thing about Cliff Young is, is that he wanted to do it, and he was remarkable what he did. I mean, he didn't cheat, he actually did it.
Cliff Young: Uh, it's been a very tough run, the hills all the way, to here anyway.
And day after day, Cliffy Young, the 'Cliff Young Shuffle' and the whole nation, fell in love with him. (Applause)
Incredibly, at age 61, Cliff became the oldest marathon winner and took two days off the previous Sydney to Melbourne race record.
Interviewer: Do you think that you're going to make it all the way? Cliff: Oh yeah, for sure! I'm going to run all night tonight and I hope to finish tomorrow, tomorrow night, sometime. (Cheers and applause)
And he ??? the field, he just ripped them wide open, kept going to Melbourne, if they hadn't stopped him he would have finished in Perth.
Cliff was awarded the first prize of $10,000. He promptly gave two grand ($2,000) to each of the five other runners and kept nothing for himself.
An impressive and generous man, that Cliff!
Interviewer: Cliff, will you do it again, would you do it again? Cliff: Uh, no, I don't think so!


Aug. 8, 2019

Just need from 02:20 - 04:55. Thanks in advanced.

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