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English Script Request

Complete / 616 Words
by Wagner1125 0:00 - 0:03:09

[Music playing]
Interviewer (I): Hi Erin.
Participant (P): Hi.
I: Okay so, I'm just gonna give you some actions to do. Just do the first thing that comes to mind. Show me what it looks like to run "like a girl."
[Foot steps]
P: Oh, my hair. Oh my god.
I: Show me what it looks like to fight "like a girl."
I: Now throw "like a girl."
P: Aw!
P: My name is Dakota and I'm ten years old.
I: Show me what it looks like to run "like a girl."
I: Throw "like a girl."
I: Fight "like a girl."
I: What does it mean to you when I say, "run like a girl?"
P: It means run as fast as you can.
I: So do you think that you just insulted your sister?
P:No. I mean, yeah, insulted girls, but not my sister.
I: Is "like a girl" a good thing?
P: Actually I don't know what it really... if it's a bad thing or a good thing.
[Hands hitting pants]
P: It sounds like a bad thing. Its like your trying to humiliate someone.
I: So when they're in that vulnerable time, between ten and twelve, how do you think it affects them when somebody uses "like a girl" as an insult?
P:I think it definitely drops their self-confidence. And (um) really puts them down because, during that time they are already trying to figure themselves out. And when somebody says, "You hit like a girl," it's like what does that mean? Cause they think that they are a strong person. And its kind of like telling them that they're weak, and that they are not as good as them.
I: And what advice do you have to young girls who are told they run "like a girl", kick "like a girl", hit "like a girl", swim "like a girl?"
P: Keep doing it cause it's working. If somebody else says "running 'like a girl,'" or "kicking 'like a girl,'" or "shooting 'like a girl,'" is something that you shouldn't be doing, that is their problem. Because if your still scoring, and your still getting to the ball on time, and your still being first, your doing it right. It doesn't matter what they say. I mean yes, I kick "like a girl," and I swim "like a girl," and I walk "like a girl," and I wake up in the morning "like a girl," because I am a girl. And that is not something that I should be ashamed of. So I'm gonna do it anyway. That's what they should do.
I: If I asked you to run "like a girl" now, would you do it differently?
P: I would run like myself.
I: Would you like a chance to redo it?
P: Yeah.
[Music playing]
P: Why can't run "like a girl" also mean win the race?
[Music ends]


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