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English Script Request

Complete / 162 Words
by jon0 0:00 - 1:22

-Mom, it's me.
-Yeah. Listen, I cannot talk for long.
-What is it, are you okay?
-I'm fine, mom. I need you to do something for me, it's very important.
-Okay? ... okay, what is it?
-I need you to get up right now, and leave the city. Go to Aunt Shilley's.
-Aunt Shilley's?
-Just do it for me, okay? Don't ask me why. Leave, right now.
-Marcos, this is crazy. I'm not going to leave the apartment in the middle of the night for no reason.
-There's a reason, I'm just not going to tell you what it is right now. Please, mom, do this for me.
-Where are you?
-Don't worry about me.
-Well I'm not going anywhere unless I know you're alright.

by Jadelle 00:50 - 1:22

-I'll meet you at Aunt Shelly's and I'll explain everything. Go Mom. Now!
-Ok. I'm leaving.
- I have to go, I love you.

- Are you ready my friend?
- Yes.
- It's time.


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