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English Script Request

Complete / 318 Words
by saorsa 0:00 - 2:46

00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:04,544

00:00:04,570 --> 00:00:07,090
What? They’re not even on!

00:00:07,130 --> 00:00:09,306
Come on! This is ridiculous!

00:00:09,317 --> 00:00:10,040

00:00:10,530 --> 00:00:12,690
Okay, come on! Get out of here! Go!

00:00:20,370 --> 00:00:22,090
I’m fine! I’m fine!

00:00:23,050 --> 00:00:26,280
Thomas? What are you doing?

00:00:26,980 --> 00:00:34,500
You once said that everyone has a place in this world. Well this is your place and you shouldn’t have to leave because of something I did.

00:00:34,930 --> 00:00:36,530
Were they with you?

00:00:36,880 --> 00:00:38,300
Yes, they, they came to London.

00:00:38,310 --> 00:00:39,570
They came to London.

00:00:39,590 --> 00:00:43,160
Yes, to, to talk me into coming back. Well they probably didn’t talk, it was probably all in my head.

00:00:43,950 --> 00:00:47,960
No, but it’s not the point.. I.. You.. you shouldn’t have to leave.

00:00:48,050 --> 00:00:51,040
I’m sorry for everything that I did, and..

00:00:51,560 --> 00:00:53,340
I love you, Bea..

00:00:53,390 --> 00:00:54,680
—aw —yuck

00:00:55,120 --> 00:01:00,208
You tried to kill them. You blew up their home. You blew up my home.

00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:03,274
Cause I got caught up in everything, you know, I got caught up in our fight.

00:01:03,285 --> 00:01:08,100
Our fight? You’re still going on about this. Pathetic! Come on Betty, let’s go.

00:01:08,170 --> 00:01:09,630
It was my fault.

00:01:10,590 --> 00:01:12,580
I.. I take full responsibility.

00:01:12,620 --> 00:01:16,570
My hero! Finally admitting that he blew up the burrow!

00:01:16,730 --> 00:01:22,460
Not, as you previously claimed, the button on the detonator being pushed. By a rabbit!

00:01:37,130 --> 00:01:40,070
Hello sweetie. Are you okay?

00:01:40,740 --> 00:01:41,560

00:01:51,900 --> 00:01:53,490
You were a part of this?

00:01:53,500 --> 00:01:56,500
I told you! I.. I did tell you.

00:02:22,510 --> 00:02:23,658
I can’t believe this.

00:02:23,680 --> 00:02:25,242
It’s a lot to process.

00:02:25,274 --> 00:02:26,040
It really is.


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