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English Script Request

Complete / 102 Words
by Delly 0:00 - 00:49

'Kay? "I'm already finished." That means that I'm done. Okay?
Something that is already done, and it's an affirmative or a negative statement?
Affirmative, right? Affirmative statement.
Next one. You can see right here I'm using already.
"I'm not finished yet." That means you have some unfinished business. That's why you're using "yet," and almost always "yet" goes at the end of a sentence or a thought. Okay? Like, "I haven't taken my medicine yet, but I already took my vi—I already ate my vitamins." Okay? Or "I haven't run in the park today (yet), but I already did my crunches." Okay?


April 17, 2017
the audio was taken from here

May 23, 2017

Thank you very much. It helps to understand.

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