Interviewer: And now I'm supposed to ask you about, um, ...This is, these are other special sections they are doing, this one, um, this is a spot that's going to be on what, uh...uh ours, uh bands charge...ticket prices, basically....
Dave: Ah, we had that discussion the other day...
Interviewer: First question is, what do you think of ours who do, who charge anywhere between fifty($50) to seventy five($75) dollars for tickets?
Kurt: There are people who charge that much? Who does that?
Dave(?): Who charges that much money?
Woman: Madonna.
Dave: tsshhh....
Kurt: Madonna does?
Chris: How much do we charge a ticket, John?
Dave: Yeah, but that's, like, a burlesque show. That's a big production, isn't it...
Chris twenty($20)$7)?
Kurt: twelve($12)?
Chris: You can speak...
John: seventeen($17) to like eighteen($18)...
Chris: Twelve(1$2)? Is that twelve(1$2) or twenty-one($21)?... seventeen($17) to eighteen($18) bucks a ticket?
Dave: Wow....
Kurt: Madonna charges fifty($50) dollars?
Chris: Apparently.
Dave: tshhhh....
Chris: fifty($50) to seventy-five($75), yeah.
Dave: Madonna wears, Madonna wears fur, too. Did you know that?
Chris: We were talking about, boy, we should charge twenty five($25) dollars and really milk it. Really take them for all they've got.
Dave: If they want to come, let's see how bad they really want to see the band play.
Chris: So, seventeen($17), we charge seventeen dollars.
Kurt: Fugazi's playing tonight, and they're charging five($5). So how does that make you feel?
Chris: Weak. Exploitive(Exploitative).
Dave: See, they go from $ $ $7...TO $8....pretty soon....
Chris: It's all over man.
???: It's inflation.
Dave: What with the Ticketmaster charge...
Interviewer: Um, so what do you think of the price you charge? For your the next question... seventeen($17) to eighteen($18).
Chris: When we think of it, I guess we make enough money.
Dave: God, if we had to pay for every show we played on tour...Nevermind.
Kurt: I don't know...production costs are so astronomical. It's amazing.
Chris: You gotta pay all these people. And the band always gets it in the end. The band has to pay for everything. That's...the one...
Kurt: We make the least amount of money.
Interviewer: How much do you see of the...this says thirty($30) odd dollars you charge for one ticket, but let's say seventeen($17) or eighteen($18) dollars you pay, you charge for one ticket....
Dave: John?
Chris: We don't even know...
John: twenty five(25%) percent.
Dave: twenty five(25%) percent? Is that after your cost?
John: *inaudible* (That's off the top??)
Chris: So, say, if it's twenty($20) dollars, we see five($5) dollars of the twenty($20) dollars.
Interviewer: And that's, you know, then you have to pay for your...the cost of the touring with that, i guess...interesting...Um, ok, so that's that then.
Chris: No, we make that five($5) dollars. That's in our pocket clean(?), right? No?
John: Yeah. twenty five(25) percent. Your work on about twenty five(25) percent net.
Dave: Oh, net. Oh, okay.
John: Then you have to split it three(3) ways.
Woman: Comes to a dollar seventy five($1.75)
John(?): You have to pay fifty two(52) percent tax on it.
Kurt: Right, a dollar seventy five($1.75) a piece for every show....for every person.
Chris: So if there's 8000 people, you made 10 grand($10,000) that night.
Kurt: I didn't go to college.
Chris: That's not bad money. 10 grand($10,000) a night.
Dave: Gee, that's pretty good.
Chris: Let's play more shows. Let's go out there and play.
Dave: But we're not rich or anything.
Chris: Wow. That's pretty good money. I'm going to go out and buy something today and not feel guilty about it. Cheapness has been bred in me.
Hey guys! I need your help with something kinda silly, but good for practicing English listening. It's a 1993 interview with Nirvana about ticket costs and some small talk. Three to 4 people talking at the same time, but it's a very short interview.
* First one is just a tiny bit: [0:15] "No, we understand that (...) we gotta do". Is Dave Grohl saying: "No, we understand that, if that's what we gotta do" ?????
* Last one is Dave Grohl again: [3:08] "Cheap (...)". Is he saying "cheap necessaire and bread meat?????
I really appreciate your help! Cheers!