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Photo of LadyRuth

Profile for LadyRuth

Name: Ruth
Gender: Female

こんにちは皆様!はじめまして。私はRuthです。メキシコ人です。トレオンに住んでいます。28歳です。私は一年以上日本語を勉強しています。独学です。私の日本語は以前よりも上手ですが、まだとても下手ですT_T。だから私は英語でしゃべることを好みます。友達になって嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!
Hello everyone! I'm glad to meet you. I'm Ruth, I'm a mexican lady and I live in Torreon. I'm 28 years old. I have been studying Japanese for more than one year. I'm self-taught. My Japanese is better than before, but it's still very bad T_T. So I prefer to speak in English. I am happy to become friends! Thank you!

Location: Torreón Coahuila México
Facebook ID:
Accent: mexican
Native Language(s): Spanish
Studying: Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese - Mandarin, Korean
Comments Written: 15

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