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  • New Year's Resolutions ( recorded by BlueIndri ), Midwestern USA

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    Hello, I'm Sally and I have made an important decision.

    In 2025, I'm going to CHANGE MY LIFE. Here are my New Year's resolutions.

    My first resolution is to stop shopping. I really like going shopping, I think it's one of my favourite activities. But I spend a lot of money on shoes, bags and clothes every weekend and I really need to stop. I am NOT a millionaire and I want to spend my money on important things.

    My second resolution.... hmm... I would like to be more organized. I'm really absent-minded and extremely messy. Every week I lose something--my keys, my phone. It's horrible! My house is not tidy at all and I need to change that. I never have friends over because I hate dusting, mopping the floor, etc.

    My third resolution, hmm, let me see. I think I'm going to travel around the world. I want to visit China, Spain, France, and Australia but I have never made the time to do it. My sister lives in Paris so I will also take some time to visit her.

    My last resolution is to exercise more regularly because I'm really lazy, and I spend too much time watching TV shows and action films. So this year, I will do more sports.

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  • My trip to Madrid ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    - So I'm really wondering where I should go on holiday this year. People have told me Spain's really nice. What do you think? Have you ever been?
    - Yeah, I went to Madrid actually. I spent two weeks in Madrid during the summer.
    - Oh cool, like, two weeks. That's quite a long time isn't it? Whereabouts did you go to in Madrid?
    - Well I stayed with a friend and she lives in the centre so I stayed with her and we just travelled around and we went around the city as well, so all the neighbouring villages.
    - Oh that's really nice, you saw quite a lot of Madrid then. What types of things did you do there?
    - Mainly just sightseeing, but then one night we went to a movie family effort and an animated movie because her cousin's boyfriend is trying to be a director so he worked with Sony and they made this movie and I got a free ticket out of it.
    - That was really cool. Was the movie good?
    - I didn't understand much of it because I don't speak Spanish but I could follow it.
    - That's good. What was it about, the movie?
    - It was about three mice I think. They went on an adventure but I can't really remember but I knew that the kids liked it.
    - That's all that matters then, that random was the three mice. Did you sample any Spanish food when you were there?
    - I did actually. Her grandma who is from Seville came and made traditional dishes for us so she made paella and I had lots of chorizo and lots of wine which was good.
    - What was your favourite out of what you had? Did you have a specific favourite dish that you ate or not really?
    - Not really, I went to Tapa and I genuinely loved all of it.
    - That's pretty good so you definitely recommend going to Madrid?
    - Yeah definitely, especially in the summer.
    - Was it really hot then when you went?
    - Yeah it was boiling but instead of like Barcelona where it's really sticky and hot it's really dry so it's quite nice.
    - So it's quite bearable then. Okay cool. I'm definitely thinking about going to Madrid.

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