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English Recordings

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  • the texts into my memory ( recorded by EarlD3 ), American

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    Well, it doesn't take a lot of time for me to read English books because I don't practice this way at all, and that's the truth.

    I'm trying to learn only short interesting parts of stories.

    Where do I borrow them?

    Everywhere! So, perhaps, even here in this forum right now!

    Of course, there is an increased difficulty in the relation with the brain for recording the texts into my memory. (But when it eventually have become parts of me I at least feel like it was a single way - so quick though rude )) like placed in sacks and dumped in the stall.) - I do not understand what you mean by this

    I don't know exactly why but reading a whole book's content looks a digression on the effective path of language study, maybe, because it doesn't give me the feeling that it can now be completely my own.

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  • The Great War recording7 ( recorded by cgr002 ), American

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  • The Great War recording7 ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Over the top
    In order to attack the enemy, men had to climb over the parapet of the trenches and they had to cross No Man's Land. On July 1st, 1916, the French and British military forces launched an attack on the German army in the Somme. It was disastrous. On the first day alone, the British lost 60,000 men. The battle ended on November 14th. Over 1.3 million men were killed and the Allies just won 6 miles of territory. This is how one officer described "going over the top" with his soldiers at the Somme: "You try to calm everybody and try not to show how terrified you are. Then you start the countdown: ten, nine, eight…You blow the whistle . You climb out of the trench and through the hole in the barbed wire. You lie there for everyone to get out. Some of them are already dead or wounded. Then you stand up and start running, across No Man's Land , towards a line of machine guns, with artillery firing all around."

    stell helmet
    ammunition pouch
    water bottle
    cooking equipment
    gas mask

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  • The Great War recording3 ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    A German gorilla, meant to be Kaiser Wilhem II, is carrying a woman who represents the Statue of Liberty. He is carrying a club which has the word "Kultur" written on it. The message is that the Germans are taking America's liberty and culture. They are evil and destructive. This poster also means humanity is lost during war.

    This Italian / French propaganda poster shows a caricature of Kaiser Wilhem II. He is biting into the world. The message is that he wants to conquer the world and destroy it.

    A man is wearing leather boots. His waistcoat is decorated with the British flag. He’s the fictional personification of Britain. The soldiers in the background are those who are already enlisted in the British army. They stand ready to fight under the command of their country. This is a recruiting poster made by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. This was necessary because at the beginning of the war, the British army was a volunteer army: no man could be forced to join. Soldiers had to enlist voluntarily. The poster functions on guilt: young men should feel guilty of not helping their country in times of need.

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  • The Great War recording2 ( recorded by chloemo14 ), English

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    A man is probably making a rifle. There is a flag behind him with a soldier holding a gun. They are both in the same position. One man is working hard at home, and one man is working hard at war. The message is that your jobs at home are as important as those at home. It's telling the workers you may not be at the war front, but you are still helping by making weapons.

    Lord Kitchener is pointing his right hand at the people who are looking at the poster and he is saying that he wants them to join the army. It is a personal message to young men in Britain. It is very persuasive.

    There is a man (supposed to be Uncle Sam) who is pointing at the reader saying, "I want you in the Navy and I want you now". He is wearing the colours of the American flag. His hat is decorated with stars on a blue background. The poster tries to make young men join up for the army because the phrase "I want you" makes the men think that they are actually wanted and needed. It is a very personalized message.

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