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English Recordings

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  • Audio Message ( recorded by jpebelier ), American

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  • Audio Message ( recorded by BarbaraAlaska ), US Midatlantic

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    Hello Emily,

    It's Paul! It's clear you've already spoken with Samantha and know everything.

    I have been to your apartment and left some messages for you.

    You need to find a yellow paper and a picture!

    Afterwards, go to my house and go upstairs into my office.

    Take care!

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  • short sentences English ( recorded by chamiltongt82 ), Southern Metro (not country)

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    Our hotel was bang in the middle of the quarter.

    the soldiers took an oath to the flag .

    the baseball player hit the ball with his bat .

    never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

    Small companies are more likely to go belly up than their larger competitors.

    Hold on, the best is yet to come.

    This is a very difficult concept to get hold of.

    the teacher made a sharp comment when the pupil arrived late.

    I indented the first line in each paragraph.

    I want to thrive, not just survive.

    I’m trying to burn off excess flab.

    I reviewed my credit report and I have no outstanding debts.

    Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.

    He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence.

    At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.

    He fell asleep with a full belly and a happy heart.

    The global economy is showing signs of coming apart.

    By the sixth month of pregnancy, Gina's belly had begun to swell.

    The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.

    I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring!

    My boots are coming apart at the seams.

    The global economy is showing signs of coming apart.

    While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on the history of the area.

    Ever since the oil crisis, the industry has been in (a state of) disarray.

    You clumsy oaf! You broke it!

    She delved into her pocket to find some change.

    No one was convinced by his glib answers.

    What led to the reversal of the policy?

    The next sedimentation cycle starts with development of new creeks and gullies.

    An expert appraised the paintings before the audicion.

    the candidate pledged to build a new stadium.

    We are hoping for a reversal in the downward trend of sales.

    Suddenly the engine stuttered and then it stopped completely.

    Every time I make a suggestion at work, my boss overrides me/it.

    The president used his veto to override the committee's decision.

    I grew weary of his bantering style of conversation.

    While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on the history of the area.

    she is the best teacher in the school by far

    She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she's saying.

    The local authority may then try to shuffle these responsibilities off onto another authority.

    Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle.

    We underestimate the destructiveness of war at our peril.

    More research is needed to round out the article.

    We laid the pieces of the dress pattern out on the floor.

    She felt as if she had awakened from a long slumber.

    The journey through the mountains was fraught with peril.

    She doesn't see her grandchildren very often so she makes a real fuss of them when she does.

    We've had to jettison our trip because of David's accident.

    The code of practice lays out very clearly what the duties of the registrar are.

    When I put the key in the ignition it turns over, but it won't start.

    She's been making up for her past misdeeds by doing a lot of voluntary work.

    He's always jaunting off around the world on business trips, leaving his wife to cope with the babies by herself.

    She made such a fuss when Richard spilled a drop of wine on her blouse!

    The fragile truce between the two sides is not expected to last long.

    On a miniature scale, the conservatory becomes a decorative object among the other furnishings of a parlor or drawing room.

    I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

    But even as he inflicted the death-wound, he received a mortal blow from the dagger of the Dane, and the two chiefs fell together.

    The television's gone haywire.

    She clambered into bed.

    I think you're (stark) raving mad to agree to do all that extra work without being paid for it.

    I bought myself a pair of good stout hiking boots.

    The station has jettisoned educational broadcasts.

    English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

    a balmy summer evening.

    Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.

    During the First World War, Turkey and Germany were allies/Turkey was an ally of Germany.

    The earthquake wiped out many villages.

    From childhood, Britney Spears seemed destined for stardom.

    The annual fete to raise money for cancer research netted more than $90,000.

    Mind out - this plate's very hot!

    They think someone bumped him off.

    During the recession, the government opted for a policy of pay/wage restraint rather than a reduction in public investment.

    When I asked for the money, he turned really nasty.

    You know what he's like about food - thou shalt not serve red wine with fish.

    He's a bit cocky for my liking.

    The court cannot accept evidence based on hearsay and rumor.

    He was seen as a pleasant man – short, a bit stout and balding, with a radiant smile.

    The school puts a lot of emphasis on music and art.

    They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing.

    The doctor gave him a thorough medical examination.

    Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death.

    he's such a heathen - he's never even heard of Metallica.

    We refrained from talking until we knew that it was safe.

    Women’s organizations have been getting kudos for their service activities.

    He told me a brazen lie.

    She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour.

    You can see the village off in the distance.

    She was feted by audiences both in her own country and abroad.

    There's a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden

    In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that we interviewed.

    There's a definite edge to her voice when she talks to her husband.

    Internet banks may have the edge over their old-technology rivals when it comes to charges and rates, but they are not immune from complaints.

    I put the heat on, but it will take a minute for the car to warm up.

    His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to sew it back on.

    he tousled her niece's hair, and went out.

    Do you use an electric razor or the kind that you have to put a razor blade in?

    He worked off and on as a bicycle messenger, but he never found permanent work.

    Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out.

    A leprechaun is usually shown wearing a cocked hat and shoes with large buckles.

    Overton sneaked up behind Brown and knocked the ball out of bounds.

    What lies beyond the brazen gates of the palace?

    he tousled her niece's hair, and went out.

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  • Henry VIII ( recorded by bsauderais ), standard, standard

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  • Henry VIII ( recorded by jpebelier ), American

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    Henry VIII is one of the best known monarchs in English history. He is famous for his ferocious appetite, for food, wine, power and women. His reign lasted nearly 38 years (from 1509 to 1547) and was marked by radical changes to the English Constitution, expansion of royal powers, and the breaking with the Catholic Church through the English Reformation. But he is perhaps most famous for having six wives. Though married to his first wife Catherine of Aragon for nearly twenty five years, Henry’s next five marriages lasted less than that combined. Two of the marriages were declared annulled while two of his wives were beheaded, another of Henry’s wives died after giving birth to his only son while his final wife, Catherine Parr, outlived him.

172 Words / 1 Comments
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