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  • US Independence Day ( recorded by aulucy216 ), American

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    In1620 Pilgrims arrived from England on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
    The English presence continued to expand along the east coast of North America. By 1732, thirteen colonies were founded.
    In 1770 King George III was still in control of the 13 colonies but the colonists had no representatives in the British Parliament.
    Colonists began to protest and revolt against the unfair laws and the new taxes imposed by the British government. The most famous revolts took place in Boston.
    In July 1775 the Revolutionary War began between the British and the colonists, who wanted their independence. George Washington was General of the Army.
    On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The document explained that the colonies became a new nation, independent from Great Britain.
    On June 14th, 1777 the Continental Congress chose a flag and adopted the Stars and Stripes.
    The war ended in 1783. The United States of America was born.
    In 1789 George Washington wrote the US constitution and a few months later he became the first President of the United States of America.

  • US Independence Day ( recorded by ortwin ), neutral

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  • US Independence Day ( recorded by jasgirard ), American

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  • Home ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    My name is Yana (Vedeneeva is my maiden name).
    I am a master of sports in Russian Figure Skating and I skated for a sports school named after S.A. Zhuk at – CSKA, reserved only for the Olympians and their national programs. I received my education in figure skating from Inna Goncharenko, an honored Russian figure skating coach as well as from the honored Russian Choreographer, Tagaeva Responsible for my program were Maslennikova Elena Stanislavovna and Novitsky Sergey (European champion in ice dancing). In my practice group were skaters like Alexander Samarin and Elena Radionova.
    I graduated from the Russian state university for culture and sport («ГЦОЛИФК») While I was there, I specialised in figure skating coaching. I have had 5 years coaching experience from a total of 18 years in figure skating, I am a wide-profile specialist. I create programs on request, I deal with rotations and work out gliding manouvres as well as focusing on "old school styles", but for the most part I am a specialist in technical multi-turn jumps. For 3-4 years I worked individually with children from CSKA (Khrustalny) and collaborated with many other schools in Russia.
    I had the chance to teach Elizabeth Golding (Junior Champion of Ireland), preparing her for the local championship and for the grand prix. We got ice time in the UAE (her place of residence) and in Moscow.
    My husband I moved to Izhevsk and I worked with the first coach, Alina Zagitova, (Olympic Champion 2018) and Antipina Natalya Alekseevna.
    Then we moved to Ryazan (Alexander Trusova began her career there) and I was given the chance to work with a group of athletes, set up the education process and teach them triple jumps. Right now, I continue to work with these athletes. During quarantine, I use the tool Zoom online where I am able to continue teaching athletes from all over Russia. Now there are 30 athletes in my teaching group.
    My husband now has an interesting offer to work in France, and we expect to relocate there. The Russian figure skating school is one of the strongest in the world, especially in single skating. I am a very active person who wants to gain experience and share with others, and if there is a suitable opportunity, I am ready to share this invaluable experience with figure skaters in France. I am interested in an organized and a friendly workspace, I am always tuned to achieve the best result possible. Language wise, I am currently working to learn English and would love to continue with French afterwards. For our first steps together, we will speak the language of skating, as this is what brings us joy.

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  • Sentence: Have you been here before? ( recorded by jpebelier ), American

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  • Sentence: Have you been here before? ( recorded by kevnnn ), American English - New York City

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