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  • TRAVAIL SUR ELLA BAKER ( recorded by ifacenorth ), Midwest

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    Ella Josephine Baker was an African American civil rights and human rights activist. Born in 1903 in Norfolk, Virginia, Ella Baker became one of the leading figures in the civil rights movement from the 1950s to the 1960s.
    Growing up in North Carolina, she developed a sense for social justice early on, due in part to her grandmother's stories about life under slavery.
    Her grandmother's pride and resilience in the face of racism and injustice continued to inspire Ms. Baker throughout her life.
    As a student she challenged school policies that she thought were unfair. After graduating in 1927 as class valedictorian, she moved to New York City and began joining social activist organizations.
    She worked alongside the movement’s greatest figures, such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Thurgood Marshall, Marvel Cooke, Asa Philip Randolph and Martin Luther King. She also mentored many emerging activists like Rosa Parks, and Bob Moses.
    Baker criticized professionalized, charismatic leadership; she promoted grassroots organizing, radical democracy, and the ability of the oppressed to understand their worlds and advocate for themselves
    ." She is known for her critiques not only of racism within American culture, but also of sexism within the civil rights movement.

    She was the director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference before creating the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
    One of her goals was to assist the new student activists because she viewed young, emerging activists as a resource and an asset to the movement. So she created the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
    Adopting the Gandhian theory of nonviolent direct action, SNCC members joined with activists from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to organize the 1961 Freedom Rides.
    In 1964 SNCC helped create Freedom Summer, an effort to focus national attention on Mississippi's racism and to register black voters.
    Miss Baker, and many of her contemporaries, believed that voting was one key to freedom.

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  • Morning routine ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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  • self introduction ( recorded by OliverWoolf ), Received Pronunciation

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    Good morning/afternoon professors. It's my great honour to be here for this interview.
    My name is Li
    , I graduated from Hebei University majoring in business English.
    Firstly, I have some experiences relating to translation in my college life. In 2017, I have finished a translation of a Chinese-English marketing plan in 3,000 words. Through this previous experience, I have been equipped with translation skills and have a deep understanding of professional knowledge. In 2018 I served as a volunteer for the International Exhibition at Gao Beidian and Baigou. Thanks to these experiences, my college life was colourful. At the same time, I realized that I still need to learn more professional knowledge about this field. That's why I have chosen to further my study here.
    Secondly, I love challenges and adventures. I like some exciting sports such as bungee and skiing. I also love travelling. During my college life,I have been to several cities like Nanjing,Wuhan and Beijing.
    I would really appreciate it if you could consider my application. If I have the honour to study here, I will work hard and try my best to learn. Thank you for your attention!

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  • Zen ( recorded by OliverWoolf ), Received Pronunciation

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    Zen is a true vitality that exists in this very body. Everyone should explore that. The most practical way is to return to live with "presence" and only the presence. At all time we must live with reality, it brings peace to us. Leaving out the reality is the starting of an unusual life. This point is considered as very important. It is the key to open the door of enlightenment. Some of us have been learning much, but that's only the means to explain or to awake us. In a word, to return to live right at the presence is thought as the 'core'.

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  • F/TH/PH and D/TH/TT sounds ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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  • F/TH/PH and D/TH/TT sounds ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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  • F/TH/PH and D/TH/TT sounds ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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  • F/TH/PH and D/TH/TT sounds ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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  • Norman Rockwell, Babysitter With Screaming Infant, 1947 ( recorded by davebirds ), American (Midwest)

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